Yale Distances Itself From Psychiatrist Who Said She Fantasized About Killing White People
“found the tone and content antithetical to the values of the school”

This happened a few days ago at Yale’s school of medicine. The psychiatrist now says her remarks were taken out of context.
FOX News reports:
Yale backs away from psychiatrist who said she fantasized about shooting White people
Yale University now appears to be distancing itself from a psychiatrist who said during a School of Medicine talk that she had fantasies of “unloading a revolver into the head of any White person,” saying in a statement that officials found her remarks “antithetical” to the institution’s values.
Dr. Aruna Khilanani has been facing criticism after making the controversial comment during an April 6 virtual speech at Yale’s Child Study Center titled “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.” In it, the New York City psychiatrist also said that “White people make my blood boil” and “White people are out of their minds and they have been for a long time,” according to audio posted on the substack online platform of former New York Times opinion writer and editor Bari Weiss.
“After the event, several faculty members expressed concern to the Yale School of Medicine’s Office of Academic and Professional Development and the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion about the content of the talk,” Yale said in a statement released over the weekend.
“Based on these concerns, School of Medicine leaders, including Dean Brown and Deputy Dean Latimore, in consultation with the chair of the Child Study Center, reviewed a recording of the talk and found the tone and content antithetical to the values of the school,” it added.
Khilanani opened her speech by noting that she is going to “say a lot of things, and it will probably provoke a lot of responses, and I want you to just maybe observe them in yourself.”

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Does “distancing ” mean she’s fired?
Hahaha! No.
I sorta kinda knew the answer to that one…
The school is leftist. The teacher is leftist. Therefore the required distancing is minimal, like a written reprimand.
Had the teacher been rightist, it would have required a much further distance between the school and the teacher, probably something on the order of firing.
One could explain this with a number line, if math weren’t racist.
I don’t think she’s faculty. I think it was a guest lecture.
“Clinical adjunct” — I believe the same status as Bandy X. Lee.
To quote Pvt. Pyle: “Well, sur-PRISE! sur-PRISE! sur-PRISE!”
She has no business practicing medicine of any sort.
Yank her license!
Yale is certainly having trouble with wacko psychiatrists.
And to think people pay money for their kids to get “educated” at an institution that is stupid enough to hire a bald-faced racist. They all deserve each other….like a cult mentality. If I were a parent I would yank my kid home (and my money) so fast and never look back.
Any white patients she may have had in the past should sue for malpractice, and the APA should remove her license, as harboring homicidal feelings towards a race and treating them may be unethical and subject to delicensing.
Soulless. The soul is COLORLESS, eternal, you know, immaterial immortal invisible male or female free poor.
She’s a special moron!
50 degrees of stupid lol