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Campus Reform reports:
UW-River Falls includes ‘Why ‘All Cops Are B*****ds” as recommended reading in its ‘Guide to Allyship’A diversity office at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls hosted an “Education & Resources for Allies” webpage which promoted an article titled “A Guide to Allyship: Black Lives Matter & Why ‘All Cops Are B*****ds.'”Listed at the top of the the now-removed UW-River Falls Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging office’s “Education & Resources for Allies” webpage, one reading titled “Justice for George Floyd: A Guide to Allyship,” is listed. The guide proudly explains “Why ‘All Cops Are B*****ds.'”The reading recommended by UW-River falls states that the notion that “individual cops can be good” is “rooted in white supremacist mythology.””The claim that individual cops can be good is rooted in white supremacist mythology that suggests racism is an individual act committed by anybody. Policing is not a question of individualism,” the reading stated. “It is not as if a random individual gets a gun, a badge, a police car, and a blue uniform. The police are a highly organized institution with systemic power. In order to understand any institution, it is important you start with the history of that institution, the institution of modern day policing evolved from the slave patrol system.”Additionally, the university-recommended reading states that “to suggest that there are good cops is like saying there’s good slave patrols or good colonizers.”