U.S. Will Likely Miss Biden’s July 4th COVID Vaccination Goal of 70% of Adults

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of new cases of COVID-19 continues to plunge. While the current administration refuses to acknowledge Operation Warp Speed, it is clear that President Donald Trump’s full vaccination rollout has played a vital role in this development.

The seven-day average of new, daily coronavirus cases dropped to 13,277, the first time it has fallen below 15,000 since the first weeks of the pandemic in March of 2020, top U.S. health officials said Tuesday.The daily average has dropped to one-third the average number of cases seen just three weeks ago. Five months ago the U.S. was seeing 15,000 cases every 90 minutes.Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said barely more than 10,000 new cases were reported Monday. She noted that deaths and hospitalizations related to COVID-19 also have continued their precipitous decline.Walensky credited the 300 million-plus vaccination shots already administered across the nation for the encouraging numbers.”It gives me so much hope,” she said. “Each week there are more and more data to demonstrate the impact vaccination has on preventing this disease and moving us out of this pandemic.”

Despite the vaccine’s success, many Americans opt to forgo the shot…especially in light of the Anthony Fauci revelations that indicate that COVID19 is no more lethal to humans than a bad flu.

Infection fatality rates in spring 2020 — the height of the pandemic — were 0.06 percent in Santa Clara, California. They were also 0.06 percent in Los Angeles, 0.18 percent in Miami Dade County.In other words, by Fauci’s own definition, what we were experiencing was effectively a severe seasonal flu season, at the worst. But that’s not what Fauci said under oath when he testified at a House oversight hearing in March of last year. In that hearing, Fauci claimed the COVID-19 infection mortality rate was around one percent — which, Fauci explained, means it’s “10 times more lethal than the seasonal flu.”

So, as is the case with the flu vaccine, many have chosen not to get the vaccine. It appears the current administration will not achieve its 70% goal of adult vaccination by July 4th.

Every day, the U.S is looking more and more like it will fall short of President Joe Biden’s goal to have 70 percent of American adults at least partially vaccinated by July 4.As of Tuesday, 63.8 percent of those aged 18 and older – about 164.5 million people – have gotten at least an initial shot, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).About 16 million unvaccinated adults need to receive at least one dose in the next four weeks for Biden to meet his goal.But the pace of new vaccinations in the U.S. has dropped to about 500,000 people per day – down from a high of 3.5 million per day in April.The White House has launched a month-long blitz to combat vaccine hesitancy and a lack of urgency to get shots, particularly in the South and Midwest, but it is increasingly resigned to missing the president’s vaccination target.

The South will become a prime target. For example, in Mississippi, only 34% of adults have received the vaccination. Public health officials ask governors to ‘pull our all the stops’ to increase that rate.

COVID-19 coordinator Jeff Zients made an impassioned plea for governors to join the Biden administration in “pulling out all the stops” on vaccinations this month.”We need your leadership on the ground—which is where it matters the most—more than ever,” he said.At its current pace, it would take Mississippi a year to reach the White House’s 70-percent target, which Republican Gov. Tate Reeves has called “arbitrary, to say the least.”

I wish Zients good luck with his request after revelations regarding the distortions and disinformation that public health officials and the American press have pushed on the public for the past 18 months. Unfortunately, I can imagine even more shocking new information will come out soon that will make it even more challenging to hit the vaccination goal.

Tags: Biden Health Care, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus