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U. Maryland Develops Plan to Defund Police After Urging From Black Student Organizations

U. Maryland Develops Plan to Defund Police After Urging From Black Student Organizations

“Other recommendations included removing ‘excess funds’ from UMPD and distributing them to Black student organizations”

These organizations worked with the school’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion and created a long list of recommendations.

Campus Reform reports:

At request of Black student orgs, UMD admin launch plan to defund police, crack down on ‘hate speech’

University of Maryland administrators released a set of recommendations to address “anti-Black racism” — including defunding campus police and curtailing “hate speech.”

The twenty five recommendations from the school’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion stemmed from a year-long dialogue with Black student organizations.

“In spring 2020, in light of increased social unrest, the administration reached out to Black students to be in community with them,” the Diversity & Inclusion website explains. “They have met together frequently since then. In fall 2020, the group of Black student leaders prioritized critical issues and goals, based on four years of research and current issues, and partnered with the administration to address them.”

One recommendation is to “end the militarization of UMPD and sanctioning safe residential halls and environments by removing armed police & decreasing their presence,” which is marked “in progress” on the webpage.

As of June 4, there are 16 recommendations designated as “in progress” including having an “immediate response to hate speech or actions from the university including a consequence (e.g: mark on the transcript or potential suspension).”

Other recommendations included removing “excess funds” from UMPD and distributing them to Black student organizations; instituting mandatory racial bias training; and creating a “racial incident hotline” to “cater to the mental health of BIPOC students.”


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“Other recommendations included removing ‘excess funds’ from UMPD and distributing them to Black student organizations”

Of course. With the left, it’s always about money, no matter how they dress it up.

The Friendly Grizzly | June 9, 2021 at 10:57 am

Tell the black troublemakers to take a hike.

If the UMPD is there to protect the students, let’s see if the crime rate goes up!

Someone has to tell these “defund the police” people directly: we need the police to defend us from you!

TheRightSide | June 10, 2021 at 10:07 am

Here’s how they trick you though: Yes the UMPD is a presence there but PG County police department has jurisdiction there as well and have frequently been more active than the UMPD which I suspect has been handcuffed for a while anyway. So the crime rates most likely won’t go up; (usually just drugs and some car breakins anyway) and UMD is a pretty safe space so it’s no wonder these brats get to act almighty. So they will be able to point to it and say look; crime stats for the campus didn’t go up; but PG county PD will have done any of the hard work; if they had any.

If I were a white (or any other than black) parent with a student there…I would yank them home and my money too. Why would a parent send a young person to a school run by such mental wimps that student organizations are running the place? No wonder they want money…they may as well take over the board room and financial records too. Why stop with getting rid of police? Get rid of all authority figures and educate yourselves…those degrees will be so valuable on the job market..”Hey, look, we ran the place ourselves and granted PhD degrees to everybody!” Go for it. With such wimps for leaders…you can take it to the max.