San Diego State U. Lecturer Resigns Claiming Racism, Says Tired of “Fighting White Folks”
“said her departure was to preserve her mental health”
Does anyone actually believe that San Diego State University has a racism problem? I mean, really.
The College Fix reports:
San Diego State U. lecturer announces resignation, blames racism
A lecturer at San Diego State University recently announced her resignation via Instagram, noting she has “been fighting white folks” since she’s been in her position.
Bonnie Reddick, a member of the Africana Studies faculty and director of the Black Resource Center, said her departure was to preserve her mental health “after years of battling with SDSU for programs, funding and support” for the BRC, The Daily Aztec reports.
Reddick specifically pointed a finger at colleagues Jessica Nare, the assistant vice president for community and belonging, and J. Luke Wood, vice president of student affairs and campus diversity. She claimed their behavior was “problematic, personal and racist.”
Nare allegedly had put up a bureaucratic hurdle to Reddick’s Black Scholars Summer Konnection program; Reddick said Nare was “playing games” and was “passive-aggressive” in one Instagram video.
Wood was accused of being “performative,” “transactional,” “ambitious” and would “step on anybody to fulfill his goals.” His leadership team (of which Nare is a member) allegedly engaged in “racist behavior.”
From the story:
Reddick also said when it comes to her story, she would like to point people towards the work of Audre Lorde, who says anger is an appropriate response to racist attitudes.
“What often happens is Black women will get characterized as angry, as if that is a bad thing,” Reddick said. …
“Maya Angelou said people will not remember you by what you said or what you’ve done. But they will remember how you made them feel. What about the folks on his leadership team that have very racist behavior, why doesn’t [Wood] address that?” …
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“said her departure was to preserve her mental health”
Too late!
She should contact the UNCF for a list of colleges where she’d be more comfortable.
Please avoid acronyms that are unfamiliar to our readers. UNCF stands for the United Negro College Fund.
“the assistant vice president for community and belonging”
…who is now hiring for the position of “associate vice president of stuff and things.”
“she would like to point people towards the work of Audre Lorde, who says anger is an appropriate response to racist attitudes”
@Reddick … it’s a two way street lady …
She sounds like everybody’s worst nightmare as a boss, subordinate, or co-worker. If you disagree with her, don’t support or fund her projects, or interfere with her in any way, it’s not in because of her failures, weaknesses, or problematic attitude. It’s all because you are a rotten racist. I suspect that everybody that had anything to do with her is applauding her decision to leave. She sounds like a real piece of work. They must be thinking: Well, she took her cheap shots at us on the way out, but at least now, she’s gone. Good riddance.
I also hate folks that can’t seem to muster a sufficient defense of their position without telling everybody to read some book written by some ass-hat that they found convincing. Sorry man. I have my own summer reading list, and it does not include any of your BS recommendations, thanks.
no doubt her departure will improve the “mental health” and general well-being of all of her colleagues/associates who no longer have to interact with her toxic little self
good riddance
Racism at a public higher education facility in Granolafornia? Couldn’t the professorette have tried a more realistic defense? As in that crazy-haired dude with the ancient aliens theory…..