My Cancel Culture Experience Revisited

On March 24, 2021, I was a guest on ‘Can We Talk About It?‘ podcast, with Debi Ghate of the Philanthropy Roundtable. The podcast was just released in mid-May.

It gave me a chance to revisit some subjects I haven’t spoken about in the media in a little while, particularly the “cancel culture” visited upon me at Cornell Law School right about this time in 2020.

We also discussed how Legal Insurrection started, our website, and the looming vote to impose CRT mandates on students and faculty at Cornell.  Subseqent to the interview, votes were held resulting in a Hot Woke Mess – No Clear Mandate for Critical Race Theory Mandates Emerges From Faculty Senate Voting.

If you think I look really young in the podcast cover photo, you would be right. That photo is a younger version of me taken sometime soon after I started at Cornell.

I want to thank Debi for having me on. I’m so used to 5-7 minute radio hits, and 3-4 minute TV hits, that it felt luxurious to have 38 minutes to get into the details of subjects that have meant a lot to me.

Listen here or below.

Tags: Cancel Culture, Cornell, Critical Race Theory,, Media Appearance