Men’s Soccer Team at U. Pennsylvania has Anti-Racism Training

Remember when college sports teams used to spend all their free time practicing sports?

The College Fix reports:

U. Pennsylvania men’s soccer team undergoes anti-racism trainingThe University of Pennsylvania men’s soccer team apparently doesn’t need to practice all that much as the team has been busy with anti-racism activities.According to The Daily Pennsylvanian, members of the Penn squad have been “cognizant of [the] challenges” presented by our post-George Floyd death society and “felt that [they] needed to have conversations surrounding current events in the U.S. and diversity in general.”The team made use of “A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth” which bills itself as an “anti-racism activation experience.”According to “A Long Talk’s” website, the program is a three-day process where participants “make connections between […] shared American history and our current reality.” This is followed by “challeng[ing] racist comments and beliefs,” and then overcoming “challenges which may hinder [them] from living as an active anti-racist.”The D.P. notes these segments consist of 90-minute virtual conferences which vary from large discussions to smaller “break-out” groups.Penn sophomore soccer player Mattias Hanchard, part of the soccer team’s diversity and inclusion committee, said “social justice and Black Lives Matter and [similar] organizations […] should be the foundation of any team that strives to have diversity.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Pennsylvania, Sports