Gay Man Accidentally Slams Pickup Into Florida Gay Pride Parade – Leftists Blame … Gov. Ron DeSantis

For some reason, lefties love to live in their own personal little hell in which everyone who is not exactly like them must be evil, racist, homophobic, and all the ics and ists they can dream up.  The joyless left thrives on their own hate and misery and want to spread it around to everyone else.  So it’s unsurprising when something happens, and they all immediately assume the worst, most hateful explanation and gleefully spew bile and vomit nonsense.

As a prime example, this weekend a truck driven by a member of the Ft Lauderdale Gay Men’s Chorus accidentally ran over some people, killing one, at a gay pride parade.  Naturally, the left—starting with Fort Lauderdale mayor Dean Trantalis—hears that a truck plowed into a gay pride parade and jumps to the conclusion, not waiting for actual facts, that it must be some anti-gay, MAGA-hat wearing redneck “terrorist” who hates democracy.

Oh, and it wasn’t “just” anti-gay, it was—somehow in Trantalis’ fevered little brain—an attempt to assassinate Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yes, really.

Florida Local10 reports:

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis, who was at the parade, said the truck missed Wasserman Schultz’s car “by inches” before crashing through a gate and into a plant nursery.

He said shortly after the crash that he believed it was a deliberate attempted attack of the Democratic congresswoman.

“This is a terrorist attack against the LGBT community,” Trantalis told Local 10 News. “This is exactly what it is. Hardly an accident. It was deliberate, it was premeditated, and it was targeted against a specific person. Luckily they missed that person, but unfortunately, they hit two other people.”

They just can’t help themselves.  Even after they learn the truth, they still blame Florida Gov. DeSantis.  Because apparently it’s his fault they are ridiculous.

Tags: Florida, Progressive or Parody?, Ron DeSantis