The fallout from the release of emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and presidential medical advisor, continues to rain down on both the bureaucrat and the American media.
Rather than opting for honesty and full disclosure, both participants in a public deception of historic duplicity have decided to rehabilitate the doctor. This is the only explanation for MSNBC anchor Nicolle Wallace’s interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the first since his emails were made public.
Of course, she didn’t ask about email exchanges he had in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, which have been trending as #FauciGate on social media. Wallace instead asked softball questions smearing the Trump administration and those of us who spread “disinformation” (that turned out to be the truth).
He responded that…”science is dynamic.”
I wonder if you feel like you’re still making up some of that lost ground from many months under the last administration of not just no information but disinformation being out there,” Wallace said. “Do you still see some hardness among his supporters around the vaccine or around some of these messages that you’re sharing today?”
Fauci acknowledged that some people “resent” him for his conduct in the last administration but insisted he was never “anti-Trump.”
“What they didn’t seem to understand… is that science is a dynamic process,” Fauci told Wallace. “So something that you know in January, you make a recommendation or comment about it, but as you get more and more information, the information leads you to change because that’s what science is, it’s a self-correcting process.
So when you hear someone say something at one point and then two or three months later, if you stick with what you said at the original time when you had one-fifth of the data that you have now, I think that would be inappropriate.”
So Fauci asserts he couldn’t possibly have known the coronavirus was a gain-of-function, bioengineered virus. You know, despite the fact a Feb. 1, 2020 email that he sent to NIH Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss had an attachment labeled “Baric, Shi et al – Nature medicine – SARS Gain of function.pdf” and the subject line, “IMPORTANT.”
Fauci’s message had a tone of urgency, saying, “Hugh: It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on. I have a conference call at 7:45 AM with [Health and Human Services Secretary Alex] Azar. It likely will be over at 8:45 AM. Read this paper as well as the e-mail that I will forward to you now. You will have tasks today that must be done. Thanks, Tony.” Fauci sent the same attachment to Lawrence Tabak, the principal deputy director and deputy ethics counselor at NIH, with the subject line “FW: IMPORTANT” and the message, “Here it is.”
Auchincloss replied to Fauci later that day, saying, “The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH. Not sure what that means since Emily is sure that no Coronavirus work [has] gone through the P3 framework.” Although “Emily” is not identified, Emily Erbelding, director of the NIH’s division of microbiology and infectious diseases, is mentioned in over five dozen Fauci emails. Auchincloss continued: “She will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.” Fauci replied, “OK. Stay tuned.”
If this softball interview weren’t horrendous enough, in Wednesday’s White House Press Briefing, not one reporter from the White House Press Corps felt compelled to ask about Fauci’s emails that trended number one on social media.
The White House press corps did not ask President Joe Biden’s Press Secretary Jen Psaki one question about the recently published emails between Dr. Anthony Fauci, health officials, and other scientists discussing COVID-19’s origins and mitigation techniques.
During the nearly 45-minute press briefing, Psaki fielded questions about the Russians, hacks, the president’s vaccination incentives, and bipartisanship but did not hear one mention of Fauci or the role he played in flip-flopping about masks, downplaying the NIH’s funding of gain of function research in Wuhan, and his relationship with Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg who censored COVID-19 posts until recently.
OMG I’m so ashamed of my profession. https://t.co/WNKCVqjsZ4
— Dr Naomi Wolf (@naomirwolf) June 2, 2021
Years from now, when reasonable and rational people review the actions taken by Fauci, the high-level public health bureaucrats and scientists that he led, and the American press, they are likely to conclude their actions killed more people than the coronavirus.
Meanwhile, the tide of public opinion is now turning against Fauci.
#FauciVirus #FauciEmails #FauciLeaks #FauciForPrison #FauciGate #CrimesAgainstHumanity #NWO
F. A. U. C. I. L. I. E. D. #Nuremburg2 N. C. S. W. I. C. pic.twitter.com/jL7zJ6SlaV
— 🥀🔥⚡️€V€R¥TH|NG§C0NN€CT€D #15⚡️🔥🥀 (@GoDeeper117Blue) June 3, 2021
Tell me lies, tell me Fauci lies#FauciLeaks #FauciEmails #Fauci #FauciLied #FauciGate pic.twitter.com/tJwqeaiylJ
— POPrenegade (@pop_renegade) June 3, 2021
#ByeByeFauci #FauciGate #FauciForPrison pic.twitter.com/RmFeTEycTX
— GoGloWin (@GoGloWin) June 3, 2021

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Tony, what you need to say is “I’m sorry for all the people I’ve gotten killed with my bad advice over the decades. I am hereby resigning, and cancelling my book.”
Got it?
““What they didn’t seem to understand… is that science is a dynamic process,” Fauci told Wallace. “So something that you know in January, you make a recommendation or comment about it, but as you get more and more information, the information leads you to change because that’s what science is, it’s a self-correcting process.
We may not have known everything about the WuFlu in January but we knew that it was a CORONA virus and being the 19th permutation of that strain, we had decades of scientific DATA to guide us. But instead of relying on that DATA, he chose instead to build a new model based on the unique New York City DATA (worst case scenario) from scratch and apply that to the entire country while simultaneiously building that DATA base of fraudulently manipulated DATA.
And THEN there were the lies about just about everything including his own personal corruptness. What is it we don’t understand? The “dynamic” wasn’t about the science but about the corrupt flip-floppiness of the “experts”.
Now GO AWAY!!!
Why this lying jackass hasn’t been removed and ridiculed I’ll never understand. Oh wait, yes I do. We live in a country that cheers tyranny.
He’ll never resign or be fired. He’ll die just like Ginsburg with MSNBC reporting what he said while he’s lying in a coma.”
Which, if we’re really lucky, will be muffled by multiple masks he’s still wearing.
No, you’re missing the obvious. The Media has to demonize him first, after deifying…deitifying…making him look like a saint over the last year. Then once they have burnt his reputation to the ground (using the same information we’ve known about for over a year), they tie him firmly to Trump, declare without evidence that Trump knew all these bad things, then kick him to the curb and not publicize any of his protestations to the contrary.
The whole point is to blame Trump for everything bad in the world.
MSNBC demonized him? Who is demonizing him? He’s been given cover fire the past 48 hours. I think the NYT has yet to report on the emails even existing. All the headlines I’ve seen today are defensive.
They cannot burn this man to the ground because they’d burn themselves down with him.
Should read, “MSNBC Works with Fauci to Help Him with Damage Control.”
Dude… put down the shovel.
He knows where the bodies are because he’s the one that buried them. He needs that shovel because he’s not finished.
I’ve got an exit strategy for the little weasel. Have him stand in his office door and let Ted Cruz and or Rand Paul or Tom Cotton drop kick his sorry behind out of the building—and into retirement.
never trust a bottle blonde with browne eyebrows
Anthony Fauci is a criminal.
He partnered with an enemy state and its military to fund and conduct illegal research. Then he lied about it. Then in order to further cover his deeds he influenced public policy in ways that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths.
He is undeniable proof of a multi tiered system of justice that protects and confers immunity to the connected elite, very much like Hitlary Clinton.
We are past the Banana Republic stage. Something drastic needs to happen or we are never coming back.
At a minimum the actions of the public health community to knowingly mislead the public has vastly eroded their credibility. That some officials continue to attempt this when there is now clear evidence that they were aware of countervailing facts which only now available publicly is beyond stupid.
We know you didn’t tell us the truth. You don’t get to decide whether it is or is not beneficial to lie to us ‘for our own good’. I will be less than willing to accept any future pronouncement by public health officials. That is an under statement.
IMO, there are millions of others who will, like me, demand that public officials provide the raw data and actively disregard their proclamations until they do so. This loss of credibility is on them. It’s time they accept responsibility for the mess they chose to create.
“So something that you know in January, you make a recommendation or comment about it, but as you get more and more information, the information leads you to change because that’s what science is, it’s a self-correcting process.”
So in what style of science do you know something in January, but tell people the opposite in January? Because that’s what we’re talking about here.
(˙ǝɔuǝᴉɔs lɐɔᴉʇᴉlod :ɹǝʍsu∀)
Fraudci is a typical, greasy, self-serving, mendacious, hypocritical, narcissistic Dhimmi-crat apparatchik. Saying one thing privately, to his confidantes and his inner circle, and, another thing, publicly.
The lamestream media still refuse to admit the obvious — that the Wuhan virus is a bioweapon whose express purpose was to depose President Trump. A feat achieved with the gleeful assistance of the vile and vengeful Dhimmi-crats and their media prostitute-lackeys.
” ….the Wuhan virus is a bioweapon whose express purpose was to depose President Trump.”
Absolutely, anyone with an inkling of rational thought sees it for what it is…..treason.
Nicolle Wallace was likely a mole in the McCain campaign, working with the leftist media to help elect Obama. The left-wing media has certainly rewarded Nicolle for her duplicity.
NOW (pun intended), he’s woke and [morally] broke (a rhyme to make the medicine go down).
Ginger Jen said today that “its obviously not advantageous for me ( the White House) to re-litigate the substance of emails from 17 months ago”
She knows most media will ignore it and pull extra duty to cover it up
There’s supposedly 3000 more emails set to be released but Twitter jjust blocked the site that claims that
We need to find the smoking syringe that destroys this destroyer…
This little lying weasel’s reign of terror is about over. This little show won’t change the inevitable.
Anthony Fraudi,Eff him and those of his globalist ilk.