Beloit College Creates Campus Leisure Space for ‘Blacks Only’
“We hope to create a safe space for Black and Brown students, where we have a comfortable place to study”

This is racist. How else could anyone describe it? How is this even allowed on a college campus?
The College Fix reports:
Beloit College creates blacks-only space for students to hang out
Beloit College, a small liberal arts college in Southern Wisconsin, has transformed a campus coffee shop into a gathering place for black students, according to the school’s website.
In March, the private institution announced the Java Joint would be closed in order to become “a haven for Beloit College’s Black students.”
The gathering space was praised by Jada Daniel, the current Black Student Union president.
“We hope to create a safe space for Black and Brown students, where we have a comfortable place to study,” said Daniel on the school’s website.
“Daniel said BSU plans to host Soul Food Sundays, poetry readings, and other events during the year, following COVID safety guidelines,” the website says.
A representative from Beloit College responded to a request for comment by saying the school is “unable to fulfill an interview request on this topic at this time.”
According to the school’s news release, the “idea to convert the former coffee shop into a gathering for Black students came out of the College’s anti-racism goals.”
The notion to convert the space into a blacks-only gathering area came from student Aryssa Harris, former president of the BSU and a current board member. The move follows the school’s effort to create more student housing for black students.

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“We hope to create a safe space for Black and Brown students, where we have a comfortable place to study”
Seriously, look into Nigeria and Mexico.
Now with less White Supremacy!
How many black and “brown” students who are taking real majors will use this space?
When I was a tractor mechanic in southern Alabama in 1968, the restaurant where I ate lunch did exactly what Beloit College is doing. They had a part of the restaurant set aside as a safe haven for Black and Brown people to relax and eat together with their own kind. They even had their own restrooms and drinking fountains.
Frankly, I thought this was a horrible practice. But the Governor of Alabama thought it was the right thing to do, and now he has the enthusiastic approval of Beloit College.
Governor Wallace would approve.
Safe space to smoke crack and listen to Hip Hop?