Young Democratic Socialists at UC-Santa Barbara Demand School Give $900 Payments to All Students
“it kind of feels like, as students, we’re just the university’s income”
Well, you can’t blame them for trying, right? How much do you want to be that the school has actually considered doing it?
The College Fix reports:
UC Santa Barbara Young Democratic Socialists demand $900 payments from school
The Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of California Santa Barbara are demanding the school pay all students $900 from federal COVID-19 relief funds.
According to the Daily Nexus, about 40 students and “community organizers” gathered Monday at Chancellor Henry Yang’s residence where they gave speeches and scribbled chalkings such as “$900 now,” “Power to the Students” and “Eat my Ass Yang.”
In 2020 and 2021, UCSB received over $60 million combined, of which approximately $26 million went to students directly.
YDSA Chair Taylor Clark noted that not every student received cash from the previous COVID package, while YDSA Secretary Patrick Fairbanks said “We think that the students know what’s best for them with money in their own pocket.
“They know what they need, and the school doesn’t and [the school has] proven that they are failing in their leadership.”
Fairbanks added the YDSA wants to know how the university will allocate the remaining funds, information which hasn’t been released to the public yet. “But they won’t do that. They won’t even talk to us,” he said.
According to Clark, the university responded to the YDSA’s demand on May 7 — the night before the march — to tell the student group that they couldn’t afford to offer COVID-19 relief checks and needed the money to “balance the budget,” a claim Clark that found “absurd.” …
Asha Bosworth-Ahmet, a first-year environmental studies major, said she attended the march to show the university that student voices matter.
“COVID has affected so many people in so many different ways; at the university, we pay so much for tuition already … the students deserve some support from their university. There’s a lack of trust right now without it,” Bosworth-Ahmet said.
“$900 can go a long way for a lot of different people….it kind of feels like, as students, we’re just the university’s income.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
Oh oh. The Universities never dreamed they would be on the wrong end of the wealth redistribution they champion.
According to UCSB itself, in the 2019-2020 school year there were 23,349 undergraduate and 2,965 grad students or a total of 26,314 students enrolled. 40 students and community agitators gathered to make nuisances of themselves and demand money because…..well, just because!!! If all 40 were students, that means a whopping 0.15% of the student body are selfish little wankers.
26,314 students, times the $900 per student they’re demanding, equals approximately $23.7 million, which is actually less than the $26 million they’ve already gotten! Not only are they selfish little wankers, they’re stupid on top of it.
How much of the COVID relief slush fund, if any of it, was actually intended to go directly to students anyway? They already got 43% ($26 million of $60 million). You have to think that most of that money was intended to be used for little things like keeping staff and faculty paid and the lights on.
And yes, the students do represent the university’s income.
Did the university collect fees for in-person classes, and mandatory fees for on-campus events and services, then cancel all of them and provide inadequate virtual replacements for only part of them? It’s likely the students should be getting refunds for a lot more than $900, but the U almost certainly paid professors, administrators, and perhaps other staff whether or not they were working and would have to dig into their endowment to give refunds.
But this isn’t about refunds. It’s that the U got some sort of “COVID-19” relief and they want a share. It’s not about contracts, but about gang tactics – you got money and we want a cut or we’ll make trouble. They’re leftists and their default mode is gangsterism.