Whitmer Apologizes for Breaking Her Own COVID Protocols

Man, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer abides by the whole “rules for thee, but not for me” saying, doesn’t she?First, Whitmer breaks her strict COVID protocols with a trip to Florida. Now, she gets caught at an outing with friends at a bar with over a dozen people.Breitbart News published a picture of Whitmer and a group of friends at a bar in East Lansing. No one has a mask and they pushed the tables together.https://twitter.com/BreitbartNews/status/1396619538683285514Author Kyle Olson noted the gathering broke Whitmer’s COVID rules:

The group shot of 13 individuals appeared to violate the governor’s restaurant capacity order issued May 15 on “gathering limitations for entertainment establishments, recreational establishments, and food service establishments”:

b. Gatherings are prohibited at food service establishments, whether indoor or outdoor, unless:

  1. Consumption of food or beverages is permitted only in a designated dining area where patrons are seated, groups of patrons are separated by at least 6 feet, no more than 6 patrons are seated together (at a table, booth, or group of fixed seats), and groups of patrons do not intermingle

While Whitmer’s group did not wear masks, a bouncer at the Landshark — a dive bar in the college town — could be seen with his face covered.

Whitmer and her group of friends have the COVID vaccination, which means they have protection from the virus. That fact means the picture Breitbart News published should not be a problem.

But it is a problem because Whitmer and her fellow supposed science-based Democrats refuse to publicly accept the vaccine facts because it means they have to relinquish their power.

Whitmer made the picture a problem when she instilled some of the worst COVID rules in the country. Whitmer did this to herself.

Do you accept her apology? I doubt it:

“Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been committed to following public health protocols,” Whitmer said Sunday in a statement. “Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it.”In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize.”

The outing is the second time Whitmer violated her own rules. In March, she flew to Florida on a private plane to take care of her father.

Then Whitmer used her father as a shield against the criticism even though she railed against Florida and urged people not to travel:

Whitmer has faced a wave of criticism in recent weeks after taking a private flight to visit her father, Richard, in Florida, in March. A nonprofit organization tied to Whitmer’s administration paid $27,521 to charter the flight that carried her to visit her dad but Whitmer paid $855 for a seat.The governor said she cooked and cleaned for her father, who is facing a chronic illness, while on the trip.”For anyone to be surprised that I have a family member who’s been having a lot of health issues that I showed up to check in … they’re obviously not paying attention to who I am or what I do,” Whitmer said.

And how many people from Michigan didn’t visit their chronically ill family members because of your stupid policies, ma’am?

These people make me vomit. They make me seriously ill. You voted for her, Michigan. Have fun.

Tags: Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus