Utah GOP Convention Attendees Boo Mitt Romney

The Utah GOP convention showered their senator Mitt Romney with boos and shouts of “traitor” and “communist” on Saturday.

From The Salt Lake Tribune:

“Aren’t you embarrassed?” said Romney trying to deflect the chorus of catcalls that greeted him as he took the stage.“I’m a man who says what he means, and you know I was not a fan of our last president’s character issues,” said Romney as delegates attempted to shout him down. Accusations that Romney was a “traitor” or “communist” flew from the crowd like so many poison darts.The cacophony of disapproval only ended after outgoing party chair Derek Brown scolded delegates to “show respect” for Romney.“You can boo all you like,” said Romney. “I’ve been a Republican all of my life. My dad was the governor of Michigan and I was the Republican nominee for president in 2012.”

Utah Republican Chair Derek Brown told people to “show respect” to Romney.

Romney thanked Brown. Applause began in the crowd.

“Yeah, I understand I have a few folks that don’t like me terribly much and I’m sorry about that,” Romney also said. “But I express my mind as I believe is right and I follow my conscience as I believe is right. I’m not a fan of the current president’s policies.”

Romney concluded, “We need to come together in strength and unity.”

The delegates also rejected a resolution, 798-711, to censure Romney over his impeachment votes.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: GOP, Mitt Romney, Utah