University Changing Rules for Inclusive Excellence Award After Conservative Professor Wins

This is like a metaphor for what Democrats are trying to do to our national elections.

The Washington Examiner reports:

University revises Inclusive Excellence Award after conservative professor earns 2021 honorAn Ohio university is changing the way it selects recipients of its Inclusive Excellence Award after a conservative professor won.“We are working to revise the nomination and review process to be sure we take a comprehensive approach in selecting the recipients to ensure their bodies of work represent our diversity and inclusion values,” said University of Toledo vice president of diversity and inclusion, Willie McKether, in a statement announcing the award.The change in how the honor is awarded comes after law professor Lee Strang won the award after receiving an “overwhelming number of faculty nominations.”Strang was nominated in part because he “enjoys and respects a good healthy debate” in his classroom, one nominator wrote. The nominator made note of Strang’s “conservative point of view,” which is “a minority in academia and a benefit to legal debate.”“Professor Strang always welcomes students to present and defend their perspectives while respectfully challenging them to consider points of view contrary to their starting point,” one nominator wrote. “I believe the academy at its best is a place where truth claims and viewpoints can contend with one another based on their own merits and scholars from all life experiences have the opportunity to wrestle with the arguments of others as well as their own assumptions.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Conservatives, Ohio