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Stockton University Now Requiring Students Take Two Anti-Racism Courses to Graduate

Stockton University Now Requiring Students Take Two Anti-Racism Courses to Graduate

“new requirement could create a new financial burden for students who chose to attend the university”

The left’s ideas are so popular that they have to be made mandatory. And what about the cost?

Campus Reform reports:

Stockton University students must now take two antiracism courses to graduate, costing up to $6700

Students at Stockton University will now be required to take not one, but two courses on “race and racism” in order to graduate.

According to a Stockton University press release, the measure “Race/Racism Education Across the Curriculum,” was approved by the Stockton University Board of Trustees on May 5 and will take effect during the Fall 2021 semester.

However, the new requirement could create a new financial burden for students who chose to attend the university.

The three courses that the university press release gave as examples of eligible courses under the requirement – Race and Politics, Race, Class, Gender and Criminal Justice, Race, Poverty and Education – all consist of four credit hours.

Stockton University’s per-credit-hour cost for the Fall 2020-Spring 2021 school year is $551.08 for an in-state resident, and $837.01 for an out-of-state resident. At that rate, the new requirement would cost in-state students $4408.64 and out-of-state students $6696.08.

However, Stockton University Media Relations director Diane D’Amico told Campus Reform that in some cases, current course requirements can be eligible to meet “one of the two required race and racism education courses.”

“For example, the existing ‘Race, Class, Gender and Criminal Justice,’ course could meet a requirement for criminal justice majors and the new racism education requirement,” D’Amico said.


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The Friendly Grizzly | May 19, 2021 at 7:30 am

More money for the school, and it gives the worst of their quota hires something to do by teaching this malarkey.

Meaning 2 more worthwhile courses will be ditched for indoctrination sessions.

It’s bad enough they require students undergo the indoctrination, but it really sucks to make them pay for it. Reminiscent of the old KGB executing prisoners on the way to the exercise yard and charging the family for the bullet.

Old Navy Doc | May 19, 2021 at 10:03 pm

Since the university was named after a famous signer of the Declaration of Independence who owned slaves, the school can offer any FREE, VOLUNTARY, UNGRADED online video seminar for any student who wants to take it. Anything else is extortion, brainwashing, and probably Marxist dogma. Students should start transferring away ASAP.