Scholar Removed From American Psychological Assoc. Email Discussion for Saying There Are Two Sexes
“Hmm… Binary view of sex false? What is the evidence? Is there a Z chromosome?”

Less than ten years ago, this would not have been a controversial thing to say. The left has changed society on this topic at lightning speed.
The College Fix reports:
Scholar booted from APA discussion group after suggesting there are only two sexes
A scholar has been removed from an American Psychological Association email discussion group after he posed questions on the listserv that upset others, most recently about the nature of biological sex.
John Staddon, an emeritus professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, was taken off the Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology Division 6 listserv overseen by the APA.
“This incident just illustrates the current inability of some scientific communities to tolerate dissent about issues related to sex and race,” Staddon told The College Fix via email. “Psychology and sociology seem to be especially flawed in this respect.”
The topic that appears to have gotten him removed was the suggestion that there are only two sexes.
According to Staddon, what likely got him taken off was this post: “Hmm… Binary view of sex false? What is the evidence? Is there a Z chromosome?”
Staddon was informed of his removal by the presidential trio of the APA division in an email republished by the National Association of Scholars under the headline: “Cancel Culture in the Sciences: A Case Study.”
Staddon was deleted from the listserv for allegedly violating the division’s code of conduct.
“The division leadership has received complaints about some of the posts that you have sent to the division listserv,” wrote Jonathon Crystal, an Indiana University Bloomington provost and professor of psychological and brain sciences, on behalf of the division’s executive committee.

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This is a good example of left-wing antiscience. Leftists think they can change nature if it doesn’t correlate with their preferences. The news media rarely cover left-wing antiscience, which is at least as pervasive as the right-wing antiscience they emphasize and promote.
Luckily, most (but not all) biology texts still tell the truth that there are two sexes, and they are defined by XX and XY chromosomes. (The only exceptions are rare genetic defects.)
People can change their appearance through clothing, cosmetics, hormones, and surgery, but every cell in their body still carries their real sex, either XX or XY. That is why trans “men” can still bear babies, and trans “women” can still father children if they haven’t had sterilizing “bottom” surgery.
What’s disturbing is how completely the American Psychological Association has bought into a mass psychosis.
Evolution is an over-arching theory of biology as it goes a long way toward explaining the physical and behavioral characteristics of species. And as most species are sexed, sexual selection remains a central explanation of what drives natural selection.
As far as I know, any biologist who rejected the explanatory power of biological evolution would be subject to withering scorn. Yet here is an organization that supposedly represents either scientists or practitioners of a profession that claims to be based on science.
One would hope that in a rational world the APA’s refusal to even permit debate over how many sexes there are would subject the APA to a similar level of withering scorn. Declaring that there are not two sexes is akin to declaring the Earth to be flat, or insisting that, yes, the Ptolemaic model of the solar system is not merely as good as the Copernican one, but that the Copernican one is so bad that there is no need to tolerate debate on the subject.
Of course, last year espousing the Copernican view was not merely tolerated but expected. Just as we all know that Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
I suspect that many feel just this level of scorn for the APA’s actions, yet the cost of publicly saying so has become so high that few are willing to risk it. If “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four” then we obviously have lost that freedom.
“As far as I know, any biologist who rejected the explanatory power of biological evolution would be subject to withering scorn.”
Funny you should choose that particular analogy.
Trofim Lysenko did precisely that. No one dared heap “withering scorn” on him because he was cloaked with the perfect immunity of political correctness — the sanction and favor of the people in power.
The analogy could not be more apt.