Rep. Cori Bush Demotes Mothers to “Birthing People”

From the Department of I CAN’T ROLL MY EYES HARD ENOUGH comes Rep. Cori Bush, renown fringist, referring to mothers (that would be women who birth children) as “birthing people.” Birthing people. BIRTHING PEOPLE.

Her “birthing people” reference aside, Rep. Bush made a great pro-life case, whether she meant to or not.

Naturally NARAL, a massive pro-abortion org jumped on board the Birthing People Wagon.

Forget the biological arguments here, one need look no further than the manflu to conclude men are not designed to handle pregnancy.

Heck, even Arnold Schwarzenegger said “I’m going to be a Momma” in the awful 90’s flick Junior in which he played a scientist who successfully impregnated himself… (it’s as awful as it sounds).

All joking aside, Cam’s point here is spot on. As is the case with most of the far-left arguments, there’s typically an issue that desperately needs attention and focus but is forsaken for nonsense like “birthing people.”

Yes, exactly. So then that should be the point, not this “inclusive” garbage:

Also on point (and chuckle-worthy):



Tags: Cori Bush, Transgender