Psaki: Teaching Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project is ‘Responsible’

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki supports critical race theory, even calling it responsible for schools to teach it with the 1619 Project.

CRT and the 1619 Project came up when a reporter mentioned Sen. Tom Cotton’s proposal “Ivory Tower Tax Act of 2021,” which “would place a 1 percent tax on the value of the endowments of the country’s wealthiest schools, and put that money toward training for working-class jobs.”

The reporter brought up Cotton’s opposition to CRT and the 1619 Project. He proposed the “Saving American History Act of 2020,” which bans public schools from using federal funds to teach the 1619 Project.

Psaki spewed the lie that CRT teaches systemic racism. We all know it teaches white kids that they are inherently racist because of the color of their skin.

From Grabien:

REPORTER: “Well, he’s been critical of, for example, the 1619 Project. he’s spoken about critical race theory. He has claimed that there’s a liberal bias on campus that targets conservatives, I think would be a way to put it.”PSAKI: “What’s he going to do with the money?”REPORTER: “He wants to use it for programs for — I’m having a hard time coming up with the word. When you have job training, those sorts of things.”PSAKI: “Well, without much detail of where he thinks our youth are being indoctrinated, it sounds very mysterious and dangerous, although I don’t think we would think, we believe that educating the youth and the future leaders of the country on systemic racism is indoctrination. That’s actually responsible.”

Tags: 1619 Project, Biden Education, College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Jen Psaki