Pentagon to Monitor Military Social Media for ‘Extremist and Concerning Behavior’

Legal Insurrection has been following the fallout from the removal of US Space Force Commander Matthew Lohmeier after expressing concerns about the spread of Critical Race Theory and Marxist thought in the military.

Lohmeier reports that he is receiving a ton of support from his fellow Americans, which is extending to Republican leadership.

Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas, a former Navy Seal who lost an eye in combat in Afghanistan, condemned Lohmeier’s removal.’We need to be preparing our warriors to fight and win battles, not how to be (social justice warriors),’ he wrote.’Far left critical race theory is taught while speaking out against MARXISM is punished??’A fellow Texan, Senator Ted Cruz, called the move ‘troubling’.Rep. Andy Biggs, of Arizona, said Lohmeier was a ‘hero,’ adding the US military ‘should be preparing to win battles – not being brainwashed with Marxist ideals’.And Dan Bishop, of North Carolina, wrote on Twitter: ‘Lt. Col. Lohmeier is correct. CRT is a neo-Marxist ideology. He was punished for telling the truth. We need to fight this with everything we have.’

Outrage is now circling a Pentagon advisor who now is planning to “continuously” trawl the social media accounts of military personnel for “extremist behavior and views.” He will use a private security company to shield itself from concerns that it’s violating the First Amendment.

The program is being spearheaded by Bishop Garrison, a senior adviser to President Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who has previously said Trump and his supporters are racist and is an advocate for Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project, which teaches that America is an inherently racist nation founded on slavery.Garrison, a former foreign policy adviser on Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful presidential campaign, is a director of Human Rights First, a nonprofit that wants to ‘demilitarize and promote racial justice’ in law-enforcement agencies and pushes for refugee protection and asylum, among other things.The Pentagon social media monitoring program has already sparked backlash over concerns about free speech and fears military members could be targeted for ‘lack of wokeness’.The Department of Defense has not commented about Garrison’s program but a House Armed Services Committee spokesperson said they believed the social media screening would be in addition to background checks, and not as ongoing surveillance.The program will likely use keyword searches on social media to identify military personnel with extremist political views or behaviors.

Right now, conservatives are scouring @BishopGarrison’s Twitter feed and are coming up with some chestnuts…like this one connecting support for President Donald Trump to racism.

I hope Garrison enjoys the reverse application of his fun, new rules!

Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson reviewed the problems that the nation’s military is having due to leftist, social-justice, exo-activist policies. Garrison’s role in targeting our service personnel for potential career retribution was a significant portion of that troubling segment.

Carlson also tied the reports I noted last week about UFOs to the US military’s set of priorities and found it wanting.

…”Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G-forces, that can fly 13,000 miles an hour, that, that can evade radar and can fly through air and water and possibly space, and oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity,” Mr Carlson said, quoting. former Navy pilot’s description of an unidentified aircraft sighting.””Sound like a potential threat? You think? So what has the Pentagon done about it? Well, we don’t know the full story as of tonight. But we don’t know that they’ve done anything about it, and then cover the fact they ignored it by declaring the whole subject classified for decades, then spending the rest of the day thinking about how to bomb Syria again and rid the Marine corps of people who voted for Donald Trump.”Mr Carlson also called Mr Austin’s senior adviser, Bishop Garrison, “a lunatic” for saying all Trump supporters were white supremacists, while also overseeing the Pentagon’s woke agenda.

The anger at the reports are such that the Pentagon is pushing back on the story:

The Defense Department is not planning to troll troops’ social media accounts for extremist activity, the Pentagon’s top spokesman told reporters on Tuesday, contrary to a Monday report about a pilot program to that effect.The Intercept cited documents and a “senior Pentagon official” in a story about a program that would “‘continuously’ monitor military personnel for ‘concerning behaviors,’” online, spearheaded by the Pentagon’s extremism working group and its chair, Bishop Garrison.“There’s no pilot program being run by Mr. Garrison or the extremist working group to examine social media,” John Kirby said, calling the story “misreporting.”The working group is tasked with reviewing current Pentagon policy that touches on extremism, Kirby said, but not with making new policy.

Tags: Critical Race Theory, Defense Department, Social Media