Pentagon Confirms Authenticity of Video Showing UFO Maneuvering Near U.S. Navy Ship

A video taken aboard a U.S. Navy ship off the coast of my hometown of San Diego shows a mysterious, spherical object maneuvering in the air before plunging into the ocean in a manner that reportedly cannot be replicated through known technology.

The footage is the source of two freeze frame images of unidentified flying objects previously released that a Pentagon spokesperson confirmed was recorded by US Navy personnel, FOX 8 reported.The black and white clip, taken aboard the USS Omaha in July 2019, shows a small round object flying parallel to the ocean, hovering for a moment before it drops into the water out of sight.“Whoa, it’s getting close,” a voice can be heard saying in the clip as the craft got closer to the water’s edge.“It splashed!” the voice said when the object hit the ocean.Luis “Lue” Elizondo, a former Pentagon intelligence officer who used to have access to the agency’s UFO data, previously told The Post UFOs have “transmedium” capabilities, meaning they can freely travel in space, water and air.

The video taken aboard the USS Omaha is indeed striking.

The Pentagon has confirmed that the footage, taken with a cell phone inside the ship’s Combat Information Center, is being investigated by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force (UAPTF).

Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confirmed the authenticity of the footage to Daily Caller. She said, “I can confirm that the video was taken by Navy personnel, and that the UAPTF included it in their ongoing examinations.”…The Pentagon is expected to provide a comprehensive report to Congress on their involvement in researching and reporting UAP’s around our Armed Forces Personnel and assets. Sen. Marco Rubio has given them a June 1 deadline.CBS News’ 60 Minutes is expected to report on the current state of the UAP issue on Sunday, May 16. According to Air Force Veteran and UAP Researcher Jeremy McGowan, 60 Minutes passed on using this footage in their report.

This video joins others also taken of UFOs that are being studied by military and scientific personnel. The numbers indicate that the objects are moving in ways which cannot be replicated using the technology currently available.

John Ratcliffe, the former director of national intelligence, told Fox News that these are not just eyewitness accounts – they’re videos and measurements taken after ‘multiple sensors that are picking up these things.”When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom,’ he said.

These developments show that the news about UAPs has moved from the pages of the National Inquirer to those of more traditional news outlets. In fact, The New York Times opinion author Ezra Klein published a piece entitled: Even if You Think Discussing Aliens Is Ridiculous, Just Hear Me Out. In it, he muses about what would happen if humanity were provided uncontested evidence of extraterrestrial visitors.

Another fascinating piece was published by NBC News and written by Rizwan Virk, a graduate of MIT, venture capitalist, and independent film producer: The U.S. military takes UFOs seriously. Why doesn’t Silicon Valley or academia? The piece is an exceptionally astute analysis of the recent developments regarding UFO’s and provides some pointers on the potential steps in the next phase of investigation.

Recently, Prof. Garry Nolan of Stanford University and Jacques Vallee, a venture capitalist who worked with J. Allen Hynek — a part of the Air Force’s first UFO investigation group, Project Blue Book, from 1947-1969 — have teamed up to investigate samples of materials supposedly ejected at purported UFO landing sites.As a starting point, if the ratios of the metals’ specific isotopes don’t naturally occur on Earth, the chemical composition could open up new opportunities for high-performance craft materials on- and off-planet. Vallee (inspiration for the French scientist in director Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”) told me they would go through the academic peer-review processes, which might greatly advance respect for the subject.

As an amateur Egyptologist, I have always been alien-skeptical. I have had to counter challenges about pyramid construction with the evidence that they were built by the ancient Egyptians.

But in light of this information, especially when paired with the numbers and analysis from respected members of the military, I could become alien-questioning.

Tags: California, Military, Science, Space