New Diversity Hiring Practices at George Mason U. Encourage Choosing Skin Color Over Qualifications
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New Diversity Hiring Practices at George Mason U. Encourage Choosing Skin Color Over Qualifications

New Diversity Hiring Practices at George Mason U. Encourage Choosing Skin Color Over Qualifications

“We either believe that diversity and inclusion can improve our performance, or we don’t”

Why is the academic left trying to undo the work of the Civil Rights Movement?

The College Fix reports:

New GMU diversity hiring practice encourages selecting for skin color over qualifications

George Mason University sets candidate diversity equivalent with professional achievement

George Mason University is redefining its hiring practices to make candidate diversity equivalent with professional experience.

President Greogory Washington said in a recent email “we need a more comprehensive framework for what constitutes ‘best’” in hiring faculty and staff.

He said in his April 15 email that his explanation came in response to concerns that college hiring must reflect achievement and preferring minorities would be illegal.

“If you have two candidates who are both ‘above the bar’ in terms of requirements for a position, but one adds to your diversity and the other does not, then why couldn’t that candidate be better, even if that candidate may not have better credentials than the other candidate,” Washington wrote.

Washington further argued that the faculty at GMU do not proportionally represent the ethnicities of the student body or the surrounding region. A vision of diversity and inclusion in hiring “is a recognition of the reality that our society’s future lies in multicultural inclusion,” he said in his email.

This begins by redefining “best” to include “lived experiences” as a top hiring criteria alongside professional aptitude, he stated. In short, “We either believe that diversity and inclusion can improve our performance, or we don’t,” Washington stated.

Consequently, Washington recommended hiring based jointly on teaching ability, research achievements, and openness to diversity. The result, he argued, will support minorities who don’t have equal access to opportunities for success.


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henrybowman | May 12, 2021 at 9:04 am


“If you have two candidates who are both ‘above the bar’ in terms of requirements for a position, but one adds to your diversity and the other does not, then why couldn’t that candidate be better, even if that candidate may not have better credentials than the other candidate,” Washington wrote.

Ah, there are the magic words; “above the bar.” Don’t pick the best person for the position, set an arbitrarily low “bar” that only morons fail, then consider everybody above that bar “equal,” allowing you to choose whoever you want without legal repercussions.

    randian in reply to henrybowman. | May 12, 2021 at 9:12 pm

    California universities routinely violate California’s law by using “holistic” admissions and hiring.

    neils in reply to henrybowman. | May 13, 2021 at 9:21 am

    My questions for Gregory Washington.

    If you needed an operation on your brain and had a choice between two surgeons, both licensed to practice (“above the bar”), would you choose the one with better qualifications based on a lower risk of leaving you paralyzed or dead, or would you choose the one with the darker skin color even if her record showed you would have twice the risk of ending up quadriplegic?

    Be honest in your answer.

    Assuming you would pick the better qualified neurosurgeon for yourself, why would you use a lower standard in choosing faculty for your university?

Wait, are we discussing college profs or presidential candidates. Oh wait, some morons did get past that one in the last round.

George_Kaplan | May 12, 2021 at 7:24 pm

GMU wants to “… support minorities who don’t have equal access to opportunities for success”? Awesome!!! Now lets see them start hiring conservative faculty and staff!

Oh wait, you didn’t mean that sort of minorities?


Until now, I really thought that GMU was dedicated to merit-based education. I was wrong. Mark my words, soon they will be awarding extra credits/inflated grades to students based on their skin color, national origin, citizenship status (vel non), perceived gender, and political views. Antonin Scalia, for whom GMU’s Law School is named, must be beside himself up there in heaven. Gregory Washington is a fool, and he has lots of company.

How about firing based on skin color? Anyone in favor of that?