Media COVID Fear-Porn Clingers Fret That New CDC Guideline Relies On ‘Honor System’
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Media COVID Fear-Porn Clingers Fret That New CDC Guideline Relies On ‘Honor System’

Media COVID Fear-Porn Clingers Fret That New CDC Guideline Relies On ‘Honor System’

. . . and they are united in determining that no one on the right has “honor”

When the entirety of Democrat activist media trots out the same term and story, you can be sure that what follows will be a call for big, bigger, biggest government.  The latest example comes in the wake of the CDC finally stating (the obvious) that it’s okay to not wear a mask if you’ve been vaccinated against the WuFlu.

The Democrat propagandist arm are raising the alarm that this policy relies on the “honor system,” and they fret that pesky, right wing, non-woke loser terrorists have no honor.

Here’s just a sampling of various woke rags warning of this “honor system” travesty the CDC has unleashed on an unsuspecting, but vaccinated, public.

  • WaPo:  “The new mask guidance relies on an honor system. Do we trust each other enough to make it work?”
  • NY Times: “Covid Live Updates: Major U.S. Retailers Drop Mask Requirements”
  • KGW8: “‘Anybody can say that they got vaccinated’: How the honor system factors into the new CDC mask guidance”
  • The Atlantic: “America Is on a COVID-19 Vaccine Honor System”

Note that the Atlantic has changed its headline from the above as captured here in search and in the article’s url: “”

Their headline plus sub now reads:  “No One Actually Knows If You’re Vaccinated: Vaccination requirements in stores, offices, and schools can offer peace of mind. But they’re rarely going to prove anything.”

Same message, don’t trust your fellow Americans . . . or the vaccine you’ve taken to protect you from the virus’ most deadly effects.

How, these anti-vaxxer Democrat activist propagandists screech while rending their garments, can we trust those people, those Republicans and conservatives and assorted non-woke nuts and . . . (gasp, while swooning elegantly onto the nearest fainting couch) Trumpers?

They are hardly people at all!  They are alien and weird and non-woke, and they harbor alien and weird and non-woke thoughts.  They’ll kill us all, even though we’ve been vaccinated and have zero need to wear a mask to protect ourselves or others and even though the vaccine actually protects us from catching a deadly case of WuFlu . . . because it’s a freaking vaccine.

But still!  Honor system!  So bad.  Because reasons.

The goal, of course, is to put pressure on the Biden admin and Congress to push for some sort of national vaccine id.  This intrusive access to every American’s private health information is not at all a problem, they insist, and anyone can easily get this imaginary national vaccine id.  So, no, it’s not at all racist like voter id, so there! Of course minorities can figure out how and where to get vaccinated and then obtain their vaccine passport!  You think they can’t do that simple thing?! Racist!  . . .  Well, no, they really cannot figure out to get a free voter id.  That’s totes different.  Because reasons. Don’t ask about that, you racist!.

USAToday is already out there touting vaccine passports:  “Honor system, paper cards won’t cut it for COVID vaccine verification, experts say. ‘Vaccine passports’ are coming.”

A national vaccine passport, of course, will not happen because the federal government, under our Constitution, is restricted from exerting such authority over states.  Sure, you may be barred from entering Biden-era national parks or federal buildings without one, but Biden has zero authority over how states rule on vaccination passports. Much to the tyrannical, fascist left’s chagrin.

But don’t think for a minute that this Democrat party—this toxic, divisive, anti-American, wannabe tyrant, socialist cum communist incarnation of the Democrat Party—isn’t plotting ways to accomplish demolishing all states’ rights.  And they’ll do it lawfully because that’s what all the best evil tyrants do.


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The obvious solution is to tattoo a number on your forehead or right hand.

Eastwood Ravine | May 15, 2021 at 9:02 pm

They can shove their Vaccine Passports right up their collective rear end. Funny how Leftist views of medical freedom only encompasses abortion and the perverse.

    Will we be able to say that when the corrupted FBI run by the corrupted DOJ come for us? Or our military, being corrupted by useful idiot Lloyd Austisic and Susan Rice and Anita Dunn?

    And keep cackling, lest you stop and have to dace doing a TITANTIC job you have zero talent for doing.

Visual check for symptoms. Perhaps a non-intrusive temperature check. There is no conclusive evidence of asymptomatic transmission. That said, continue to follow best hygienic practices, which is always advisable.

Frankly I am not convinced that a legal basis exists or rather will continue to exist which supports restrictions on entry.

The governments, local, State and Federal are exercising emergency powers under public health in response to a ‘pandemic’. A ‘pandemic’ has a definition.

Once the case count falls below that threshold …we don’t have a pandemic. No pandemic = no emergency and no elevated public health powers.

That’s going to be a tough pill for many people who want to cling to the power they have or others who want the government to continue exercising those powers. At some point the music will stop.

Hopefully the more reasonable State legislators and Gov will make the adjustments needed to rein in future responses. Some have done so and will but others seem to like passing the buck to Health Officials instead of providing leadership.

MoeHowardwasright | May 15, 2021 at 9:39 pm

Well…how about an implantable chip that also allows you to vote on Dominion voting machines. Yeah, that’s the ticket. /sarc I had to add that due to the high probability that it could come true.

Wait what, we were ever above the threshold for a pandemic?

People in Portland are probably the worst of the kool-aid drinkers in this regard. I am certain some wear masks at night while they are sleeping alone in a big house. Its for the virtue, you know.

Of course the left is concerned about integrity and honor. They have neither.

texansamurai | May 15, 2021 at 10:06 pm

But don’t think for a minute that this Democrat party—this toxic, divisive, anti-American, wannabe tyrant, socialist cum communist incarnation of the Democrat Party—isn’t plotting ways to accomplish demolishing all states’ rights. And they’ll do it lawfully because that’s what all the best evil tyrants do

the last time big brother tried what you suggest it cost the lives/fortunes of over 600,000 americans–and took a couple of generations of hard work to (almost) recover

that they’ll somehow do it “lawfully” is ridiculous and ignores the landmark precedent set by scotus when the court denied standing to 17 states/ags/apprx 100m americans–the idea that lawyers/judges/courts/politicians actually possess ANY authority is a viewpoint grounded in our “social contract”–a contract that scotus effectively voided a few months back

    They always do it lawfully, texansamurai. They are not doing anything new here, it’s all been done before.

    We are the ones who have to think outside the box. I think we can manage that.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | May 16, 2021 at 12:45 am

      They are not doing anything new here, it’s all been done before.

      Never in American history has anything like this insane reaction to the WUhan virus been done, here. Ever. It is as foreign to America as anything … which makes sense, because it’s following the Communist Chinese policies.

      Every official who has taken part in abusing power (and it’s all been abuse beyond reason) and every judge who has either refused to hear cases to restrict those abuses or who have allowed them to continue (which goes all the way up to a majority of the SCOTUS) need to be dragged out of their offices kicking and screaming and imprisoned for a very, very, very long time.


        Let’s see if the numbers on official cause of death come out for 2020 from the CDC before the 2024 elections (don’t EVEN think it will happen before the 22 mid-terms). I anxiously await those official cause of death numbers. I strongly suspect that 2020 will see the fewest number of deaths for heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, accidental death, suicide, diabetes and kidney disease. Either that or the number of deaths in the US will outpace the 1/1/20 population plus the number of births plus the number of immigrants by significantly more than the number of deaths plus the 4/1/21 population. With no logical explanation, they will be stuck with the “overestimation” excuse. Either we’re on the path to cure the long time diseases that kill Americans or the numbers were fabricated (padded, if you will) to support the necessary driver of the mail-in vote, HR1 recommended changes.

texansamurai | May 15, 2021 at 11:12 pm

They are not doing anything new here, it’s all been done before.

don’t know if that’s true–in the living memory of SOME of our countrymen(the japanese internment during the war years, mccarthy’s nonsense, etc.) and my own memory cannot recall there having been such a blatant, in-your-face, calculated and deliberate assault on our civil rights, on due process, on first ammendment protections and several others

you seem to believe that all this can be defeated/stalled/prevented/reversed by thinking “outside the box”–while you may be right, personally believe we’re past the “thinking ” stage and closing on the “action” stage

chamberlain was a big thinker–his “thinking” and subsequent blunders encouraged/emboldened another group of fascists and led to the deaths of 60m people

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | May 16, 2021 at 12:39 am

The Democrat propagandist arm are raising the alarm that this policy relies on the “honor system,” and they fret that pesky, right wing, non-woke loser terrorists have no honor.

The CDC doesn’t have the authority to force anyone to wear a mask, to begin with. Further, pieces of cloth and surgical masks are ridiculously useless against a virus – not even getting into the fact that the medical community is still very much in the dark about how the Wuhan virus is even transmitted in most cases. Even further, if someone is terrified crapless of the Wuhan virus and they are convinced that pieces of cloth and surgical masks are impenetrable armor to the Wuhan bug, then they are welcome to wear masks all day long, every day, for the rest of their, hopefully short, miserable lives.

… and people wonder how the muslims got women stuck behind burkhas and hijabs … which brings up the other point, if pieces of cloth were such great protection then religious muslim communities should have round about zero wuhan cases and they should never have to worry about the flu or colds or any of that nasty bug stuff.

    Yet doctors and nurses are still enthusiastically pushing masks, even though they know they’re bunk. Every one of my doctors requires a mask, temperature check, and covid questionnaire, on every visit. You can’t walk into a hospital anywhere in the US without a mask now, and the CDC’s new guidelines don’t change that.

This is beyond silly.

    henrybowman in reply to puhiawa. | May 16, 2021 at 2:17 am

    So is the current Democrat narrative on at least six hot-button issues, but silly just doesn’t matter anymore.
    Have you seen the assistant Secretary of Health?

I’m naturally vaccinated. So is everyone who has had Covid and recovered. Family members who had it over a year ago and recovered have been donating blood every few months after which they get a report stating they STILL have antibodies. None have had a recurrence of Covid, despite their being re-exposed where they live – a hot spot several times in the last year.

I’m shocked I don’t hear anyone talking about that – it’s all about the damn vaccines and discussion about herd immunity seems to be censored these days. Does the herd-immune crowd need to file suit against the vaccine pimps / denial of service crap?

    20keto20 in reply to MrE. | May 16, 2021 at 7:06 am

    Natural immunity. like hydroxycloroquine, didn’t fit the necessary Democrat criteria for the 2020 election and, therefore, are not allowed into discussions. St. Anthony of Fauci and Newsom-like Birx obviously didn’t believe the mask/distancing hype they espoused either. Look at their actions rather than their words. They put the words on the teleprompter for Joe to read that IF you are fully vaccinated then you can go outdoors maskless. They just didn’t rip his mask from his face before he went out AND they forgot to tell Jill (OR maybe she didn’t take the jab)!!

henrybowman | May 16, 2021 at 1:57 am

“The Democrat propagandist arm are raising the alarm that this policy relies on the “honor system,”

What, you mean, like elections?

I think the vaccine passport is coming if they think they can get away with it. It’s what Totalitarians do.

Remember that ancient concept personal responsibility? If we believe The Science, then vaccinated people have a very low risk of becoming infected and if they do, will likely have a much milder case. If people CHOOSE not to be vaccinated, then it is their responsibility to live their lives commensurate with the risk they have assumed. The idea that we shut down the world to “save one grandma” (or a variation of that) is SO wrong — how many people did we kill through unintended consequences? The vaccine is effective if you choose to take it with all the unknowns. If you don’t — how about it is up to you?

“The latest example comes in the wake of the CDC finally stating (the obvious) that it’s okay to not wear a mask if you’ve been vaccinated against the WuFlu..”

The only reason this is obvious is not because of an imagined efficacy of the gene therapies, but because masks, as well as the jabs, do litte to nothing to prevent either infection or transmission. Everyone, vaccinated ir not, should remove there masks now.

Science informs us that this was all a grand hoax. We would have been over this much sooner had they simply let the virus take its natural course with everyone taking the usual flu season precautions. But with all of the planning that went into this hoax, they are NOT going to allow their golden opportunity to slip through their fingers. And with everything else being in crisis now, how long before they start arresting us with people disappearing? Or worse, the public executions?

Nope. Couldn’t happen here. It only happens to those “stupid” people who live in other countries. They had it coming right?

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Pasadena Phil. | May 16, 2021 at 9:41 am

    Well, yeah. They had it coming.

    Just like we have it coming if we fail to push back on the tyranny going on around us.

    Either we will return to being a free country, or we will allow our country to be taken over by Democratic Socialists who will tell you if, when and where to work, shop, travel, eat and a host of other choices that we previously had the freedom to decide.

    So, again, yes. We have it coming… or not.

    I am concerned that too many politicians like the grift, and too many voters like the “free” money. They have effectively been bought to agree to give up their civil rights (not to be confused with imaginary rights to someone else’s property, incestuous and same sex marriages, health care, and a host of other “infrastructure “ related freebies).

    So – EVERYONE – let’s do the “Stimmy Shimmy!”

Well, they’re right not to trust the “honor system”. I am not currently vaccinated, and while I have no serious objections to getting it I also have no plans to do so. I’ll get it if I ever have a good reason.

I currently wear masks only where I am required to do so, either by law or by the property owner, or when I am politely requested and have no strong reason to refuse the request. Rude requests or demands are summarily rejected. And if mask requirements are relaxed I will take full advantage, even if the relaxation is officially supposed to be for “vaccinated people only”.

If asked point blank whether I am vaccinated I will first consider whether the person asking is entitled to the truth; if not, I will tell them what is most convenient. I don’t believe everyone is always entitled to the truth; some things are none of a person’s business, and in such cases there’s nothing wrong with lying to them.

So in my case, at least, if they institute an “honor system” I fully intend to violate it. I will never have agreed to it in the first place, so why should I feel bound by it?

Part of me thinks that part of the reason they did the sudden dropping of the mask requirement is to “help along” those who are sitting on the fence to get vaccinated, especially since we’re at the point where people can just walk in and get one. The carrot, so to speak.

This means that wearing a mask will soon not be considered a point of pride, but a sign of shame (ie. others will automatically assume you’re an evil anti-vaxxer, and be prepared to have busybodies you’ve never met before demanding to know if you’ve been vaccinated and if not, why not).

We’re already seeing businesses and government entities institute the no-mask-needed-if-you’re-vaccinated stipulation, which I think may also drive people to go get jabbed so they aren’t pariahs in their own workplaces and can move around without restrictions.

    CommoChief in reply to p. | May 16, 2021 at 12:55 pm

    That is very likely the case. The other issue is that all the ’emergency’ powers and measures adopted rest upon the existence of the ‘pandemic’.

    Absent the ‘pandemic’; really epidemic in that the health orders are State and locally driven for the most part, there is no justified basis to retain these orders.

    The EEOC ruled that employers could discriminate by requiring a vaccination as one example. During an epidemic maybe that is justified. Remove the epidemic and the justification is removed.

    IMO, the writing on the wall is clear and has been so since April. Every adult who wanted a vaccination has been eligible and with minor exceptions has been vaccinated.

    The folks like me who got Rona and have antibodies will either wait the 60 or 90 days from recovery to receive a vaccination or they will trust in their natural immunity. I will be looking for the J&J next month.

    The rest are teenagers and children who are only now becoming eligible. Once these groups receive their opportunity to become vaccinated that’s pretty much the end of it.

    By that point everyone will have had the option to become vaccinated. Couple the vaccinated with the folks trusting their acquired natural immunity and even with holdouts we will have herd immunity.

    Add that to rapidly diminishing case count and the whole episode is reaching the end of being classified as an epidemic, and thus the end of any legitimate basis for classification of vax or unvax much less any discrimination on that basis.

      randian in reply to CommoChief. | May 17, 2021 at 5:13 am

      Vaccinating teenagers and children is dumb, their risk of harm from the vaccines is almost certainly higher than their risk of harm from covid.

If you are vaccinated you have nothing to worry about.

Masks on the other hand have never been shown to be effective at anything besides restricting oxygen supply and wrecking our rivers (a much bigger problem than straws which our garbage disposal system is accustomed to keeping out of the water) and have not been tied to better
results either (compare Sweden to the Czech Republic).

TLDR version

Vaccines ended the pandemic, masks did nothing.

    randian in reply to Danny. | May 17, 2021 at 5:14 am

    I’m not convinced vaccines ended the pandemic. Oh they’re being given credit, but the covid trend line was quickly sloping down long before the vaccines were being administered.

healthguyfsu | May 16, 2021 at 2:48 pm

So, no one I’ve seen has yet called Fauci out on his obvious folly. The other day he was interviewed on CNN and said that the advice was not confusing and that those who still wanted to wear masks could do so on their own and their concerns (like immunocompromise or old age) were reasonable.

This is an obvious fallacy of his own prior logic and he’s contradicting himself. The ENTIRE THEORY behind mask usage was that they were about source control, not to protect the individual wearers but to protect the group from potential COVID sources who need to wear a mask to slow down their spread.

RandomCrank | May 16, 2021 at 7:26 pm

Freedom scares the living shit out of these jokers.