Law Student in Scotland Faces Expulsion for Saying Women Have Vaginas
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Law Student in Scotland Faces Expulsion for Saying Women Have Vaginas

Law Student in Scotland Faces Expulsion for Saying Women Have Vaginas

“I’m worried that my chance of becoming a lawyer, and making a positive contribution, could be ended just because some people were offended”

Saying things that are scientifically true is controversial now. This is insanity.

The Post Millennial reports:

Law student faces expulsion from Scottish university for simply stating that women have vaginas

Lisa Keogh, a 29-year-old student completing her law degree at Abertay University in Dundee, Scotland, is now facing disciplinary action by the institution after making allegedly “discriminatory” comments.

Some of her fellow students took offence to Keogh’s saying that “women have vaginas” or that “the difference in physical strength of men versus women is a fact.”

Keogh, a mother of two children, is close to graduating from law school at Abertay, and told reporters that she thought people were joking at first, when she started receiving emails from people telling her she was “transphobic,” according to the Scottish Sun.

“I’m worried that my chance of becoming a lawyer, and making a positive contribution, could be ended just because some people were offended,” she said in an interview.

“I thought there was no way that the university would pursue me for utilising my legal right to freedom of speech. I didn’t deny saying these things and told the university exactly why I did so. You have got to be able to freely exchange differing opinions otherwise it’s not a debate.”


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No one was actually offended by what he said. They were offended by his failure to comply with speech requirements.

The same people that deny biology here also deny economics – but they call others “science deniers” when the most extreme claims of global warming are questioned.

    randian in reply to markm. | May 17, 2021 at 4:18 am

    What constitutes “following the science” depends on the politics of the action not the science itself. If it supports progressive hegemony then it’s “following the science”, if it doesn’t it isn’t.

      henrybowman in reply to randian. | May 22, 2021 at 9:38 am

      Alternatively: When the science/data support you, scream, “follow the science.”
      When they oppose you, scream, “we need common-sense laws and regulations!” Because “common sense” (world is flat, sun orbits it) trumps science.
      The latter is how the gun-control people have run their scam for the past 20 years.

henrybowman | May 17, 2021 at 10:27 am

She’s a law student. Why doesn’t she just research some case precedents that hinged on the fact that one of the parties of interest was a woman because she had a vagina? There have got to be some. It would be an unusual thesis project, at the very least.

Let’s see how good of a lawyer she can be! Take’m court and prove that women have non-surgical vaginas. Then sue for damages.