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Fauci Admits He Wore Mask Indoors to Avoid ‘Mixed Signals,’ Not Science

Fauci Admits He Wore Mask Indoors to Avoid ‘Mixed Signals,’ Not Science

“I mean, before the CDC made the recommendation change, I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals.”

Time for everyone who criticized Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to eat crow. They jumped on him in March when he told Dr. Anthony Fauci, “You’re not wearing a mask because of science.”

Two months later Dr. Fauci admitted he wore a mask indoors to avoid mixed signals. He did not base his choice on science. It was all about those pesky signals.

The CDC finally said fully vaccinated people do not need a mask indoors or outdoors in most settings. In other words, they finally caught up to the science that so many of us already knew: vaccines work.

Fauci told George Stephanopoulos:

Well, you know, George, I’m obviously careful because, I mean, I’m a physician and a health care provider. I am now much more comfortable in people seeing me indoors without a mask. I mean, before the CDC made the recommendation change, I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals. But being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low. And that’s the reason why in indoor settings now I feel comfortable about not wearing a mask, because I’m fully vaccinated.

I embedded the video at the exchange.


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“I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals.”

Ahh, so he’s more concerned with looks than substance

And just like that Fauci admits he’s a Phoney Baloney. That’s all I got to say about that.

So science-y! I’m guessing George didn’t ask Fauci about the NIH indirectly funding the Wuhan lab’s research.

I stopped listening to Fauci a good year ago. The guy has changed positions often, and not because of “more information”. Remember when Fauci recommended goggles? That one got flushed down the memory hole. Double masks? How about his pushing of masks ad nauseum, throwing out the first pitch at the nationals game with a mask on out in the mound by himself and then hanging out in the stands with friends maskless! How about ripping Texas for Re-opening? How about his admission about lying about masks early on so health care workers wouldn’t have a shortage? The guy has lied or has been wrong over and over again……..I’d rather listen to a random guy or girl on the internet than this guy.

    randian in reply to jaudio. | May 18, 2021 at 8:29 pm

    “How about his admission about lying about masks early on so health care workers wouldn’t have a shortage”

    That admission was itself a lie.

“But being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low.”

A person’s chance of getting infected doesn’t change after being vaccinated. Only a person’s chance of becoming ill from the disease changes (hopefully to “zero”). Vaccinations prevent illness because they prep the body to respond immediately and forcefully once infected. They are not magical shields that keep viruses away.

Dr. Fauci, an alleged “scientist”, should be more precise with his language. Misperceptions caused by such loose language lead to people (like Bill Maher) going bonkers when they learn they were infected after being vaccinated.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to DaveGinOly. | May 18, 2021 at 4:58 pm

    But if Fauci were more precise in his wording of his statements then people might pin him down on his utter incompetence and idiocy. And we can’t have that now can we.

“…they finally caught up to the science that so many of us already knew: vaccines work.”
It’s not whether or not the vaccines work – the virus is 0.4 microns in diameter; the smallest pores in the masks are 80 microns in diameter.
In English: the masks do not, cannot prevent passage of virus particles.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand this.

Maybe now he will lose that smug look when he is condescending to us.

he’s a health care provider? whens the last time he saw an actual patient?

Hypocrisy they name is Fauci.

Yeah no kidding. The credibility of the public health ‘experts’ and their media shills continues to erode.

Don’t wear a mask/ don’t buy a mask – later admitting that it was due shortage in on hand supply to hospital and 1st responders.

That changed to wear a mask or you will die of Rona; the mask protects the wearer – later changed to the wear of a mask protects others

Now with available vaccine and approaching herd immunity when factoring acquired immunity the mask guidance changes to no need if vaccinated.

Sort of like the Rona travel restrictions bad and xenophobic under DJT but totally responsible policy under Biden.

Couple all this with HHS shifting $2.5 Billion from direct Rona funding initiatives to the ‘migrant not crisis but a challenge’ while simultaneously demanding replacement funds for those Rona funds shifted….

Maybe this is all explained by very poor messaging, but given the historic low levels of public trust in our institutions perhaps the Biden administration should start being transparent v opaque, put partisan interest to the side and level with the citizenry?

    randian in reply to CommoChief. | May 18, 2021 at 8:28 pm

    “That changed to wear a mask or you will die of Rona; the mask protects the wearer – later changed to the wear of a mask protects others”

    He said that because he needed to justify universal mask wearing. If the mask protects you then only the vulnerable need one. If instead they protect others but not you then the vulnerable need everybody else to wear one.

      Exactly. How else will the joyless, cruel, cancel culture lefties enjoy being joyless, cruel destroyers if they can’t preen that they are “protecting the vulnerable”? They are struggling right now because the vaccine actually precludes this argument. Anyone without a mask is either vaccinated or taking their own “life” in their own hands. How to cope? How to find that tyrannical sweet spot that affords them a perch built on sand from which to dictate how others live their lives–or be cancelled–while still pretending it’s about empathy and compassion and the all-important Greater Good? So tricky.

Lucifer Morningstar | May 18, 2021 at 4:44 pm

I’m a physician and a health care provider.

No, you’re not. You’re nothing more then a political hack masquerading as a physician hoping nobody notices your incompetence.

Believe it or not, this malignant hemorrhoid is actually the highest paid federal employee in government. Something like $450K per year. Why Trump never axed the little twerp is impossible to understand. He’s nothing but a fucking QUACK.

Colonel Travis | May 18, 2021 at 6:10 pm

Why is it acceptable that this jackass still has a job? Why do people think he has credibility?

It is mindboggling the amount of dumb in America right now.

Little freak could wear a house dress, ankle socks, red lipstick, sandals and a scarf without confusing anyone with mixed signals.

The CDC’s reputation is now fully “junk status”, like most government departments.