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Columbia University Students Start Communist Club

Columbia University Students Start Communist Club

“Bringing accessible theory to Columbia students – Workers of the world, unite!”

What a sad commentary on the state of higher education. Anyone who truly understands history would have nothing to do with this ideology.

The College Fix reports:

Students launch communist club at Columbia University

At Columbia University, a group of students recently launched the “Columbia Communists.”

“Do you want to be a part of leftist discussion, engage in mutual aid, and better understand leftist theory? Join us today and be apart [sic] of the movement!” reads a post on the group’s Instagram page.

The organization’s symbol is Columbia University’s famous crown, modified to include the hammer and sickle.

Communism, a revolutionary ideology founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, is responsible for 100 million deaths in the twentieth century.

The newly formed student group at the Ivy League institution is set to host its first “Columbia Communism Club” meeting later this week, according to its Instagram page. Its tagline on social media is: “Bringing accessible theory to Columbia students – Workers of the world, unite!”

The club did not respond to requests for comment from The College Fix. University media relations did not respond to requests for comment either.

So far the “Columbia Communists” have over 200 followers on Instagram. Its first post was in March 2021 with the comment: “Coming Soon: Summer/Fall 2021 – Fill out the form in our bio for an invitation to our Discord!”

Communists at Columbia are not new.

In July 2020 on the “Columbia Confessions” Facebook page, one student noted: “I can’t take columbia communists seriously (to anyone who says there are no communists on this campus has not met the large raving group of them). You literally chose to go to a university which is over 400% the price of most state schools for the prestige and prestige only.”


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Seems redundant.

    drsamherman in reply to billdyszel. | May 14, 2021 at 11:22 pm

    Agreed. Back in my day (WOW—never thought I would say that!), we had a similar group at UTAustin (Moscow on the Colorado), and they were just as stupid and gullible as leftists are today.

henrybowman | May 14, 2021 at 3:29 pm

Note to dining hall meeting room manager: get the money up front, and require a refundable damage deposit..

At least I have to respect these students for being truthful. Most Communist organizations avoid the truth and call themselves by other names like Antifa, BLM, Democrats, etc.

There are some inconsistencies. People attend Columbia to gain the prestige of an Ivy League degree, so that they will have an advantage in an non-egalitarian workforce.

Columbia has an $11.26 billion endowment which was gathered by exploiting the proletariat. Why would a Communist have any complicity with such an evil accumulation of wealth? Please follow your beliefs and transfer to the taxpayer supported college in Moscow, Idaho.

I think it’s a great idea … lets see how many of their speakers, members, initiatives etc get canceled in comparison to those from a republican club … then people can more obviously see how left biased Columbia is.

Join the Columbia communist club at your peril. Remember, History does repeat itself!