Young Democratic Socialists at Boston University Demand Free Laundry Services

Is there anything that the left doesn’t think should be free? Is there anything they won’t demand?

Campus Reform reports:

Democratic Socialists at AOC’s alma mater are still protesting for free laundryMembers of Boston University’s Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter are doubling down on calls for free laundry services.Campus Reform previously reported that the students began organizing for free laundry services in November. Insisting that “there is plenty of money in the budget for the university to take this burden off of its student body,” the students argued that the university ought to cover the cost of all laundry services in the interest of aiding “less affluent” students.The group’s survey found that less than half of students paid more than $10 per month for laundry services.At the time, a university spokesman declined to comment, since the group had not submitted a formal request for the university to consider. However, as The Daily Free Press — Boston University’s student newspaper — reports, Boston University spokesman Colin Riley told the Young Democratic Socialists that the school would “keep the request in mind as we move ahead in the future.”He added that the students managed to meet with administrators, who said that students with financial need should seek aid from the school’s Financial Assistance Office or Dean of Students.Nevertheless, the Young Democratic Socialists hosted a protest on March 26. Students held hand-drawn signs with slogans “Free laundry for all!” and “Free Laundry: Let’s talk about it!”

Tags: College Insurrection, Democratic Socialism, Massachusetts