The person writing The Washington Post‘s tweets exposed his or her bias!
The person described President Joe Biden as “very Catholic” and the bishops upholding Catholic teaching on abortion as “right-wing.”
Here is the tweet. I took a screenshot in case they delete it. Read it slowly.
First off, the tweet gives us an opportunity to see who went beyond the tweet and read the article. It has nothing to do with him actively overturning Roe vs. Wade. It has everything to do with Biden receiving Communion.
You should not present yourself for Communion if you are not in communion with the Catholic Church.
Second, author Michelle Boorstein tries to make the argument a left-wing vs. right-wing argument as evidenced by the tweet. I doubt she wrote the tweet, but the article makes the point.
“Since his election, the increasingly loud right wing of the church made it clear that Biden cannot continue to expand abortion rights and call himself a Catholic and go unchallenged,” wrote Boorstein.
Listen, the Catholic Church does not have a political position. When we talk about the Church we talk about doctrine, which is known as the Catechism. The faith.
Those within the Church have political views. The Church herself does not have a political view.
The Catholic Church is against abortion:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law” (No. 2271).
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) stated that “modern science has not changed the Church’s constant teaching against abortion.”
In other words, the Church has always been against abortion. Modern science has also upheld the Church’s stance on abortion since the first century!
I was baptized Catholic, but not raised in the Church. I went through RCIA to convert.
One class concentrated on social issues. The teacher said the one issue you cannot budge on is abortion. As stated above, the Church established its teaching on abortion in the first century. But also life. It is a moral evil and contradicts moral law.
“Will they [the bishops] press harder on abortion purity?” pondered Boorstein.
Abortion purity? No, it’s about sticking to the Church’s doctrine. It’s about upholding the Church’s teaching and moral law.
Boorstein seems to think Biden attending “Mass week after week” and talking “about his faith is powerful to millions of American Catholics.”
Biden’s Catholicism, my Catholicism, my friend’s Catholicism is about attending Mass and talking about our faith. It’s also more than that.
The Church’s teaching on abortion is more than condemning the murder of an unborn human being. It’s about actively saving these people. I am vocal with my pro-life stance and I donate to emergency pregnancy centers. When my church takes donations for women’s crisis centers I help out.
When a person has a pedestal like Biden has he or she better use it. Biden tries to back away saying he separates his faith and politics. He claims to be personally pro-life, but politically he’s pro-choice. He takes steps to expand abortion access in America and abroad!
Pro-choice vs. pro-abortion: are you fighting laws that would stop “choice”? Or are you creating laws that make it easier to procure an abortion?
The USCCB wrote after Biden’s November win (emphasis mine):
The Eucharist is the source and summit of Catholic life. Therefore, like every Catholic generation before us, we must be guided by the words of St. Paul, “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord” (1 Cor 11:27). This means that all must examine their consciences as to their worthiness to receive the Body and Blood of our Lord. This examination includes fidelity to the moral teaching of the Church in personal and public life.
But you know what? It really is simple: You should not present yourself for Communion if you are not in communion with the Catholic Church.
The bishops and priests and other people within the Church can try to make it complicated and nuanced. But it is not.
One more time: You should not present yourself for Communion if you are not in communion with the Catholic Church.