University in the UK Puts Up Greta Thunberg Statue and Not Everyone is Happy About it
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University in the UK Puts Up Greta Thunberg Statue and Not Everyone is Happy About it

University in the UK Puts Up Greta Thunberg Statue and Not Everyone is Happy About it

“our concerns are about the expenditure and transparency of decision making by the university”

Remember a few months ago, when campus statues were a big problem? Some people are not happy about this one, mainly because of the cost.

The College Fix reports:

Newly unveiled Greta Thunberg statue rankles students, local community

A recently unveiled statue of teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has miffed Winchester University (U.K.) students and local residents alike.

Titled “Make a Difference” and commissioned in 2019 (the same year Winchester declared a “climate and ecological emergency”), the statue cost the school almost 24,000 pounds (just over $33,000) and is thought to be the first commemorating Thunberg, the Daily Mail reports.

The university says the statue symbolizes Winchester’s commitment to “sustainability and social justice.”

But the Winchester University and College Union called the statue a “vanity project” and said the funds used to pay for it could have been used elsewhere.

“To be clear our concerns are about the expenditure and transparency of decision making by the university, which have long been opaque, not the subject of the statue,” the College Union said in a statement.

The union said statue monies should have gone to “preventing redundancies and cuts” at the school.

Winchester Vice Chancellor Joy Carter said no funds targeted for student support or staffing were used for the sculpture. She added “We know that many find [Thunberg] a controversial figure. As a University we welcome reasoned debate and critical conversations. We hope her statue will help to inspire our community, reminding us that no matter what life throws at us we can still change the world for the better.”


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NorthernNewYorker | April 5, 2021 at 11:22 am

“The first effect of not believing in God is to believe in anything.” Chesterton
What’s the carbon footprint of melting all that bronze and then transporting it? No price too high for the gods of Global Warming? I do feel for those who lost their jobs; they were probably doing something useful and the parasites remain.

“mainly because of the cost ”
Maybe they don’t like being scolded by a nasty little retarded high school dropout.

The artist sure didn’t capture the snarl very well. The statue is of a happy little girl, not Greta at all.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to MajorWood. | April 5, 2021 at 3:10 pm

    She was found smiling when David Bogg proposed.

    henrybowman in reply to MajorWood. | April 5, 2021 at 5:41 pm

    The photo doesn’t show you the shiv in her other hand.

    Even in the UK, there’s still no law against scattering birdseed around the base of this statue. Lots and lots of birdseed.