Tim Scott Slams Biden for Breaking Bipartisan Promises, Use of Race as Political Weapon

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) delivered a superb rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, trying to remind us that we are all Americans.


Scott wasted no time slamming Biden for breaking his promise to reach across the aisle:

Last year, under Republican leadership, we passed five bipartisan COVID packages. Congress supported our hospitals, saved our economy, and funded Operation Warp Speed, delivering vaccines in record time. All five bills got 90 or more votes in the Senate. Common sense found common ground.In February, Republicans told President Biden we wanted to keep working together to win this fight. But Democrats wanted to go it alone. They spent almost $2 trillion on a partisan bill that the White House bragged was the most liberal bill in American history! Only 1% went to vaccinations. No requirement to re-open schools promptly. COVID brought Congress together five times. This Administration pushed us apart.

Biden also broke his promise when it came to infrastructure. The Democrats shoved through a supposed infrastructure bill, but less than half of the $2 trillion in the bill went to actual infrastructure.

“Less than 6% of the President’s plan goes to roads and bridges,” said Scott. “It’s a liberal wish-list of Big Government waste… plus the biggest job-killing tax hikes in a generation. Experts say, when all is said and done, it would lower Americans’ wages and shrink our economy.”

The South Carolina senator also mentioned how Biden went far-left. He now supports using tax dollars to pay for abortions and packing the Supreme Court.

“This is not common ground,” emphasized Scott.


The left wants everyone to believe those who do not think like them are racist. Scott wants everyone to know discrimination comes from any political affiliation:

Nowhere do we need common ground more desperately than in our discussions of race. I have experienced the pain of discrimination. I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason. To be followed around a store while I’m shopping. I remember, every morning, at the kitchen table, my grandfather would have the newspaper in his hands. Later, I realized he had never learned to read it. He just wanted to set the right example.I’ve also experienced a different kind of intolerance. I get called “Uncle Tom” and the N-word — by ‘progressives’! By liberals! Just last week, a national newspaper suggested my family’s poverty was actually privilege because a relative owned land generations before my time. Believe me, I know our healing is not finished.

Unfortunately, Scott is correct. This guy deleted his tweet.


Scott pointed out that he presented a police reform bill to the Senate, but the Democrats, not Republicans, who blocked his efforts:

In 2015, after the shooting of Walter Scott, I wrote a bill to fund body cameras. Last year, after the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, I built an even bigger police reform proposal. But my Democratic colleagues blocked it. I extended an olive branch. I offered them amendments. But Democrats used the filibuster to block the debate from even happening. My friends across the aisle seemed to want the issue more than they wanted a solution. But I’m still working. I’m still hopeful.

Scott dropped some tough facts on the left about the past, who seem to have forgotten the words of Martin Luther King, Jr:

When America comes together, we’ve made tremendous progress. But powerful forces want to pull us apart. A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic — and if they looked a certain way, they were inferior. Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them — and if they look a certain way, they’re an oppressor.From colleges to corporations to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven’t made any progress. By doubling down on the divisions we’ve worked so hard to heal.

“You know this stuff is wrong” stressed Scott. “Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country. It’s backwards to fight discrimination with different discrimination. And it’s wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.

“Race is not a political weapon to settle every issue the way one side wants. It’s too important.”

Tags: Breonna Taylor, Republicans, Tim Scott, Vaccines