I seem to remember Stephen Hawking saying something similar to this. There is a distinct possibility that being visited by aliens would not end well for us.
The New York Post reports:
Aliens might be friendly — but don’t bet on it: expert’s dire warningSure, they’re out there, but should we be looking?Michio Kaku, a professor of theoretical physics at City College of New York and all-around pop-science icon, has issued a warning about extraterrestrials — and efforts to seek them out.“I think that’s a terrible idea,” the 74-year-old astrophysicist said.Kaku, perhaps best known for his contributions to string theory, spoke to the Guardian about his new book, “The God Equation,” which covers contemporary movements in science and technology.But his interview took a spacey turn.In the past, Kaku has theorized that humans may meet their extraterrestrial counterparts within this century. While the prospect might sound thrilling for many, Kaku is more cautious than eager to make contact.“We all know what happened to Montezuma when he met Cortés in Mexico so many hundreds of years ago,” he said, alluding to the disastrous demise of the 16th century Aztec emperor, which was instigated by what seemed to be a friendship of convenience with Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.