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Six Members of Biden’s Cabinet Already Lined up to Speak at 2021 College Commencements

Six Members of Biden’s Cabinet Already Lined up to Speak at 2021 College Commencements

“have announced these people first with their demographic attributes, and second with their accomplishments”

This is a perfect example of why American taxpayers should not be expected to fund ‘free’ college. Higher education in America is biased against half of the country.

Campus Reform reports:

Colleges to honor 6 Biden cabinet members (and counting) at 2021 commencements

More than a month before graduation season, one thing is clear: President Joe Biden’s Cabinet will be busy accepting honors and delivering speeches to the class of 2021.

Colleges and universities have so far announced six Cabinet-level speakers and honorees, and they, much like the Biden Administration, have announced these people first with their demographic attributes, and second with their accomplishments.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who will address graduates of the Harvard Kennedy School, was praised by Dean Doug Elmendorf as “the youngest Cabinet member in the Biden administration, and the first openly gay person in a U.S. president’s Cabinet.” (Buttigieg is not the first openly gay Cabinet official; that title belongs to Richard Grenell, who served as the Acting Director of National Security under President Donald Trump, though he was never confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Marcia Fudge will speak at Cleveland State University’s commencement, as University president Harlan Sands shared with Much like her colleagues speaking elsewhere, Fudge has been identified by the school as achieving a milestone for diversity in government: The school’s announcement of her swearing in began by hailing her as “the first woman to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development in more than 40 years” and “the second Black woman to lead the department.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree from the University of Pennsylvania. In the announcement, UPenn hails her as “the first woman to hold this [Treasury Secretary] position,” and “also the first woman Chair of the Federal Reserve Board.”

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will speak virtually to graduates of his alma mater, the University of Connecticut, in early May, as reported by the Hartford Courant.


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Most of these speaking gigs pay some kind of honorarium. That’s an important part of the deal. As I’ve been saying for years, one of the big attractions of being a leftist is that it pays very well.

POTUS usually gives a graduation address at one of the service academies, and then sometimes at other places. I wonder if Pres. Biden will follow suit.