Democrats preparing legislation to pack Supreme Court, adding four new Justices

We have covered extensively Democrat threats to pack the Supreme Court. Perhaps those plans were just idle threats similar to the threats by Sheldon Whitehouse and Chuck Schumer meant to intimidate the Justices.

Well, it appears Democrats may be serious in trying. The Intercept reports:

CONGRESSIONAL DEMOCRATS PLAN to unveil legislation expanding the size of the Supreme Court on Thursday, according to three congressional sources familiar with the closely held measure.The bill would add four seats to the high court, bringing the total to 13, from the current 9. The number of justices on the Court has fluctuated widely throughout the course of the nation’s history. Republicans currently hold 6 seats, while Democrats hold just 3 after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the quick confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett.The bill is led by House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler, Subcommittee chair Hank Johnson, and freshman Rep. Mondaire Jones.In the Senate, the bill is being championed by Ed Markey of Massachusetts.This story is developing…

We will follow the story as it develops.

It’s not clear that Democrats would be able to do this as there are bound to be numerous defections in the Senate, maybe even in the House. but the fact that Democrats are seriously considering it is shocking enough.


Tags: Biden Appointments, US Supreme Court