Report: Cuomo Aides Hid Number of COVID Nursing Home Deaths for Months

If this is not a scandal then nothing is a scandal. Seriously.

The New York Times dropped the ultimate bombshell on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo: His aides spent months overruling state health officials when it came to the true number of the COVID nursing home deaths.

New York’s attorney general said in January that the full data on the nursing home deaths “might have undercounted the true toll by as much as 50 percent”

In March, The Wall Street Journal revealed that Cuomo and his aides made changes to a report on the nursing home deaths. Officials said only 6,432 people died when the number was 10,000.

The New York Times report seems to expand on that article.

From The New York Times:

Mr. Cuomo’s most senior aides engaged in a sustained effort to prevent the state’s own health officials, including the commissioner, Howard Zucker, from releasing the true death toll to the public or sharing it with state lawmakers, these interviews and documents showed.A scientific paper, which incorporated the data, was never published. An audit of the numbers by a top Cuomo aide was finished months before it became publicly known. Two letters, drafted by the Health Department and meant for state legislators, were never sent.The actions coincided with the period in which Mr. Cuomo was pitching and then writing a book on the pandemic, with the assistance of his top aide, Melissa DeRosa, and others.And they came as the governor’s approach to nursing homes was receiving intensifying scrutiny from critics and Republicans, including former President Donald J. Trump, whose administration made a public show of requesting nursing home death data from four states with Democratic governors, including New York.

You read that correctly. Cuomo and his cronies did this while he wrote and published his book.

Tags: Andrew Cuomo, Wuhan Coronavirus