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Professor Threatened by Colleagues for Advising Conservative Student Group

Professor Threatened by Colleagues for Advising Conservative Student Group

“Professor Donadio and Turning Point USA, you are on our list”

People on the left sure seem fond of creating and maintaining enemies lists.

The College Fix reports:

Two professors threaten peer for advising Turning Point USA chapter

The creation of a list of professors who push an agenda is wrong — but only when conservatives do it apparently.

“Two Tennessee Tech University professors are facing possible disciplinary action after offensive flyers were posted,” Fox 17 reported. The pair of professors created a flyer that targeted nursing professor Andrew Donadio for supporting a campus Turning Point USA chapter.

“Professor Donadio and Turning Point USA, you are on our list,” the flyer said. A photo of it in a video from Fox 17 can be seen below.

Julia Gruber and Andrew Smith circulated the flyer.

“I feel it’s my responsibility and it should be a professional standard to stand-up to someone who practices racism,” Gruber told Fox 17. Gruber is German professor at Tennessee Tech.

The pair appeared to have targeted Donadio and TPUSA for its Professor Watchlist, which lists professors who have exhibited a liberal bias or questionable beliefs in their comments or the classrooms.

Gruber made the flyers to imitate the watchlist, according to Inside Higher Ed. She worked with Smith, an English and religious studies professor, to circulate them.


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Seems to me this could qualify as a “terrorist threat” couldn’t it? Certainly a dog whistle at the very least.

“someone who practices racism,” Gruber told Fox 17.”

Libel 101.
Now, sic his ass.