Minority Students at Loyola University Want to Cut ‘Western Civilization’ From Honors Program
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Minority Students at Loyola University Want to Cut ‘Western Civilization’ From Honors Program

Minority Students at Loyola University Want to Cut ‘Western Civilization’ From Honors Program

“Eradicate the focus on Western Civilization and Tradition and expand the scope of the Honors 101/102 to have a greater emphasis on global intellectuality”

This is Cultural Marxism, plain and simple. These students are taking cues directly from BLM leaders. They are trying to destroy America, a piece at a time.

The College Fix reports:

Black Loyola students want to ‘eradicate focus on Western Civilization’ in honors program

Black and other minority students at Loyola University Chicago want to change the Honors Program curriculum away from its focus on Western civilization.

The Honors Black, Indigenous, People of Color Coalition described a number of goals in an Instagram post. The group appears to have deleted its entire Instagram page, as it no longer can be seen as of April 20, however the Loyola Phoenix has a screenshot of it.

Students want to “Eradicate the focus on Western Civilization and Tradition and expand the scope of the Honors 101/102 to have a greater emphasis on global intellectuality” the post said, and “Diversify faculty that will honor and respectfully teach each text with cultural competency.”

Other goals include better support for racial minority students in the honors program and recruitment of a diverse student body.

The most recent syllabus posted is for the 2018-19 school year, but based on comments made by the students, it appears to be still in use.

Students are asked to read works such as “The Prince” by Machiavelli, “Persuasion” by Jane Austen and the writings of Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare.

One historical work that students are upset about is the Bible.

“I personally did not like reading the Bible whatsoever, in any capacity,” honors student Himani Soni said during an Honors BIPOC townhall in March.


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I’m so sick of students and their demands.
They knew the deal when they chose to attend the school. Tough crap.
They don’t like Western Civ. Then leave.
Same thing with them signing loans that they’re whining about.
Deal with it!

    dr. frank in reply to lc. | April 22, 2021 at 3:29 pm

    Are you abasing the “Gender Studies Program??”

      rscalzo in reply to dr. frank. | April 23, 2021 at 9:46 am

      So reduce education to the low levels they can deal with? Seems many things they push are geared towards making substandard proformance acceptable.

    henrybowman in reply to lc. | April 22, 2021 at 8:15 pm

    It’s like they don’t realize they’re actually there to learn important things that they don’t already know. They think they’re there to redecorate the college to their current tastes, like their dorm room, and learn absolutely nothing novel.

    Swamp Survivor in reply to lc. | April 24, 2021 at 12:12 pm

    While my first “gut reaction” was the same, I remembered a more thoughtful comment on such student demands. Years ago, Donald Kagan, Yale’s Sterling Prof. of History, now retired, observed, “Show me an eskimo poem of the quality and beauty of Homer’s “Iliad” or “Odyssey,” and I will study it.” The same could be said of African or Aztec literature. Don’t get me going on philosophy. By the way, Prof. Kagan was an extraordinarily popular and liberal Cornell Univ. professor, until the Univ. buckled to an armed insurrection in the early ’70s. He has said “in a week” he became a conservative, he apparently could not stomach the Univ. administration’s stand, and he fled to Yale. Other professors also left and Cornell’s Government and History Departments have never regained their distinction.

The Friendly Grizzly | April 22, 2021 at 9:13 am

They are minority students, and a minority OF students.

Tell them no.

baloneyisfree | April 22, 2021 at 11:35 am

If you don’t like reading the Bible, don’t go to a catholic university.

Great idea for students to get rid of Western Civ, and study globally. I know the perfect course for BIPOC students! How about the “History of Kwanza?”