Legal Organization Suing Biden Administration Over Racial Discrimination Against Farmers And Ranchers

The $1.9 trillion dollar COVID stimulus attempts to address the hardships of American farmers, but has a racial aspect built into it.Critics are calling it a form of racial discrimination and one legal group is already suing over it.The American media has been overwhelmingly positive about this for reasons which should be obvious, but many farmers are not impressed.The Daily Mail reported in March:

White farmers blast $5bn promised to minority farm-owners in Biden’s relief bill as discrimination and ‘racism’ with Sen. Lindsey Graham claiming it is a form of ‘reparations’White farmers have voiced their frustration after President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package this week awarded $5billion to minority farmers while not offering them the same aid.The Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act was introduced to the relief package by Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock in early February to provide immediate financial relief to black, indigenous, and Hispanic farmers.The bill provides $4billion in direct payments to farmers of color and has allocated $1 billion to address systemic racism at the U.S. Agriculture Department (USAD), providing legal assistance to farmers of color and grants and loans to improve land access for minorities.The $4billion will provide direct payments of up to 120 percent of a ‘socially disadvantaged’ farmer or rancher’s outstanding debt as of January 1, 2021.Yet white farmers believe the add-on to the relief package is discriminatory as South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham blasts the money as ‘reparations’.

America First Legal has launched a lawsuit:

America First Legal Sues Biden Admin to End Racial Discrimination Against Farmers and RanchersToday, America First Legal (AFL) filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas to stop the Biden Administration from administering a program created by Congress in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 that discriminates against American citizen farmers and ranchers based upon their race. Specifically, Sections 1005 and 1006 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provide benefits to farmers and ranchers, but excludes many potential beneficiaries based solely upon their ethnicity or race.AFL President Stephen Miller issued the following statement:

America First Legal opposes discrimination in all forms. We hold fast to the immortal words of Martin Luther King Jr. that Americans “should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” These soul-stirring words are now inscribed onto the heart of every American. And they flow directly from the Declaration of Independence’s recognition that all men are created equal. And they are embodied by AFL’s founding charter. MLK’s vision is fundamental to our democracy, in which all citizens are equal both in front of the law and in the eyes of their Creator. For this reason, AFL is filing a lawsuit today against the Biden Administration to prevent it from administering programs created under the American Rescue Plan Act that discriminate against American farmers and ranchers based upon the basis of race. As Chief Justice John Roberts plainly avowed, “[T]he way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” With today’s lawsuit against the Biden Administration, AFL makes clear that it will defend MLK’s vision, our Constitutional order, and the civil rights of all citizens.

The Constitution forbids government action that discriminates based upon race. Yet the Biden Administration’s Department of Agriculture—aided by the new Congress—is actively engaging in outright racial discrimination.

Democrats and this administration are determined to divide Americans by race, even in something as fundamental as our farming industry. It’s disgraceful.

Tags: Biden Administration, Economy, Raphael Warnock, Wuhan Coronavirus