Iran Demands Immediate Total Sanctions Relief As Biden Admin Practically Begs For Nuke Deal Talks

President Joe Biden’s administration and the Iranian regime have agreed to resume the nuclear talks as early as next week seeking a return to the Obama-era agreement. The Biden White House and Tehran “will begin indirect negotiations with intermediaries next week to try to get both countries back into compliance with an accord limiting Iran’s nuclear program,” the Associated Press reported Friday.

Iran on Saturday rejected Biden’s proposal of “step-by-step” easing of restrictions. Iran wants all U.S. sanctions lifted ahead of talks in Vienna Reuters reported.

“No step-by-step plan is being considered,” Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told state TV. “The definitive policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the lifting of all U.S. sanctions.”

The move could result in billions of dollars in foreign investment and revenue flowing into Tehran’s coffers, a regime rightly classified by the outgoing Trump administration as the biggest state sponsor of terrorism.

The Wall Street Journal reported the resumption of talks between the Biden administration and the Mullah regime:

The United States and Iran will take part in talks next week in Vienna aimed at reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement, the most extensive effort to shore up the accord since President Biden took office in January, diplomats said Friday.Senior officials from all participants in the accord—Iran, France, Germany, the U.K., Russia, China and the European Union, as well as top U.S. officials—will gather in the Austrian capital starting Tuesday.For now, Iran has ruled out direct talks on nuclear matters with the U.S. However both countries will attend the gathering, which is aimed at breaking a stalemate over Iranian compliance with the agreement and U.S. sanctions against Tehran.A face-to-face meeting between officials from the two countries over the nuclear agreement would be the first since late 2017, months before the Trump administration withdrew from the deal in May 2018.

As the new phase of nuclear negotiations are kicked off between the U.S. and Iran, the European Union, China and others will act as “mediators,” Germany’s state-run DW News confirmed.

Next Week, the EU, China, France, Germany, Russia, Britain, and Iran will meet in Vienna, Austria to coordinate the lifting of sanction on Tehran and restoration of the nuclear deal. The Vienna summit is being hosted “in order to clearly identify sanctions lifting and nuclear implementation measures,” the participants declared in a statement on Friday.

The resumption of negotiations comes after Tehran rejected Biden administration’s offer to restart the talks twice in the span of almost four weeks. As part of the bid, President Biden rolled back major sanctions on the regime, including Trump-era enforcement of the UN sanctions and international weapons embargo.

Iran matched Biden’s desperate offers with more demands. Iran called for an end to all U.S. sanctions and a trillion dollar in punitive “reparation” for the Trump-era “Maximum Pressure” campaign aimed at the jihad and terrorism sponsoring regime.

“We have a lot of patience and we are not in a hurry.” Iran’s Shia-Islamic ruler, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told the Biden White House on March 21.

The Biden administration responded to Iran’s humiliating rejections and blatant demands with presenting a “road map” to restore the nuclear deal. President Biden’s move appears to be in direct compliance with the demand for a “road map” made by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi just days ago.

The timing of the announcement suggests that the goal of the talks is to rally political support for a nuclear agreement ahead of the upcoming sham presidential election in Iran. “The aim is to reach an agreement within two months, said a senior official with the European Union, the coordinator of the deal. Iran holds elections in June,” the Reuters reported.

The Biden team and the mainstream media commentators are foolishly pinning their hopes on the Iranian “election” to bring a “moderate” leadership at the helm. No real opposition figures is allowed to contest in Iran’s presidential election — or any other election for that matter, and only the regime loyalists are selected run for the public offices.

Tags: Biden Iran, Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal