The campus left keeps practicing segregation without seeing any problem at all.
The Morning Watch reports:
MSU Profs Conference Will Segregate ‘White Folx’ and ‘People of Color’An upcoming Michigan State University conference for educators will separate attendees between ‘White Folx’ and ‘People of Color.’The annual Spring Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Student Success is adding ‘affinity group’ sessions, where attendees will be separated to “provide spaces for people to work within their own identity groups.”“To advance racial equity, there is work for white people and people of color to do separately and together,” the invitation states. For white attendees, “an affinity group provides time and space to work explicitly and intentionally on understanding white culture and white privilege and to increase one’s critical analysis around these concepts.”The separate group “for people of color…is a place to work with peers to address the impact of racism, to interrupt experiences of internalized racism, and to create a space for healing and working for individual and collective liberation.”MSU explicitly reiterates, “This is not the opportunity for white folx to engage in the POC affinity space and vice versa.”The conference will be held virtually May 4-7, 2021. Keynote speakers for ‘affinity group’ sessions include MSU social worker Lisa Laughman and associate diversity dean Marita Gilbert.Diversity and race sessions of the conference include: “Imagining & Creating Anti-racist Approaches to Learning & Teaching,” “Crip Methodologies in Feminist Theory as Anti-Racist Pedagogy,” and “Using Crip Theory to Foster Accessible Teaching and Learning Practices.”