College of the Ozarks Suing Biden Over Policy Placing Biological Males in Women’s Dorms

Remember when the left claimed that Trump was destroying norms? What is the Biden administration doing here?

The Daily Wire reports:

College Of The Ozarks Sues Biden Over Executive Order That Puts Biological Males In Female DormsCollege of the Ozarks is suing President Joe Biden over his anti-discrimination executive order that would force the school to abandon its religious principles in favor of left-wing gender politics.Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a religious liberty legal group, filed a lawsuit in the Western District of Missouri on behalf of the College of the Ozarks, claiming that Biden’s anti-discrimination act “requires private religious colleges to place biological males into female dormitories and assign them as females’ roommates.”The college has assigned dormitories and separated “intimate spaces,” such as showers and bathrooms, based on biological sex and does not wish to alter that practice. College of the Ozarks holds the belief that biological sex is not changeable and operates its dorms accordingly.Biden’s executive order would ban the college from continuing that practice, according to the lawsuit. The suit claims that the order violates the school’s First Amendment-protected rights to tell students about its religious-informed residence hall policies.“Occupancy and access in the college’s residence halls are separated by biological sex, not identity, and that residence in student housing depends on compliance with the student code of conduct, including the commitment to avoid all sexual relations outside of a marriage between one man and one woman,” the lawsuit reads.

Tags: Biden Education, College Insurrection, Transgender