Chauvin Trial Judge: Rep. Maxine Waters’ threats may result in “this whole trial being overturned” on appeal

For years Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters has gotten away with stoking political violence, without ever behing held to account by the media or her own party. This time her sleazy incitement may have real world consequences.

Just yesterday Waters threatened Protesters Need to “Get More Confrontational” If No “Murder” Conviction Of Derek Chauvin:

“We got to get more confrontational. We got to make sure they know we mean business.”

Today the defense in the Chauvin trial moved for a mistrial based on Water’s comments. The judge denied the mistrial motion, but noted it may be an issue on appeal and could lead to any conviction being overturned.

The Post Millenial reports:

“I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

He said further that I’m aware that “Congresswoman Waters was talking specifically about this trial, and about the unacceptability of anything less than a murder conviction, and talking about being confrontational, but you can submit the press articles about that. This goes back to what I’ve been saying from the beginning: I wish that elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and the judicial branch and our function.
“I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful, and in a manner that is consistent with their commitment to the constitution, to respect the co-equal branch of government. Their failure to do so is abhorrent, but I don’t think it has prejudiced us with additional material that would prejudice this jury. They have been told not to watch the news and I trust that they are following these instructions and that there is not in any way a prejudice…

“A congresswoman’s opinion really doesn’t matter a whole lot,” Cahill concluded, and denied the motion for a mistrial.

The obvious reason for the Judge to deny a mistrial is that if there is a not guilty verdict on all counts, then the issue of Waters’ threats goes away. Andrew Branca will have his full write up later tonight, but I think the defense counsel Eric Nelson was phenomenol in closing, he picked apart the timeline of the 9-minute video. He was so good that the prosecution rebuttal was mostly personal attacks on him, which led to another motion for mistrial that was denied.

Here’s the full video court segment:

Tags: George Floyd, George Floyd - Derek Chauvin Trial