Chauvin Trial Judge: Rep. Maxine Waters’ threats may result in “this whole trial being overturned” on appeal
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Chauvin Trial Judge: Rep. Maxine Waters’ threats may result in “this whole trial being overturned” on appeal

Chauvin Trial Judge: Rep. Maxine Waters’ threats may result in “this whole trial being overturned” on appeal

Judge denied defense motion for mistrial after Waters’ threatened “more confrontational” protests if no murder conviction, but lashed out as her and said her comments “may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

For years Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters has gotten away with stoking political violence, without ever behing held to account by the media or her own party. This time her sleazy incitement may have real world consequences.

Just yesterday Waters threatened Protesters Need to “Get More Confrontational” If No “Murder” Conviction Of Derek Chauvin:

“We got to get more confrontational. We got to make sure they know we mean business.”

Today the defense in the Chauvin trial moved for a mistrial based on Water’s comments. The judge denied the mistrial motion, but noted it may be an issue on appeal and could lead to any conviction being overturned.

The Post Millenial reports:

“I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

He said further that I’m aware that “Congresswoman Waters was talking specifically about this trial, and about the unacceptability of anything less than a murder conviction, and talking about being confrontational, but you can submit the press articles about that. This goes back to what I’ve been saying from the beginning: I wish that elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and the judicial branch and our function.
“I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful, and in a manner that is consistent with their commitment to the constitution, to respect the co-equal branch of government. Their failure to do so is abhorrent, but I don’t think it has prejudiced us with additional material that would prejudice this jury. They have been told not to watch the news and I trust that they are following these instructions and that there is not in any way a prejudice…

“A congresswoman’s opinion really doesn’t matter a whole lot,” Cahill concluded, and denied the motion for a mistrial.

The obvious reason for the Judge to deny a mistrial is that if there is a not guilty verdict on all counts, then the issue of Waters’ threats goes away. Andrew Branca will have his full write up later tonight, but I think the defense counsel Eric Nelson was phenomenol in closing, he picked apart the timeline of the 9-minute video. He was so good that the prosecution rebuttal was mostly personal attacks on him, which led to another motion for mistrial that was denied.

Here’s the full video court segment:


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That’s what she WANTS.

She WANTS him found guilty by a laughably biased jury, and then scream about evil racist Republicans in government when it gets overturned.

Then use that as an excuse to pack the SC.

    George_Kaplan in reply to Olinser. | April 19, 2021 at 7:17 pm

    Biased meaning law abiding?

    Exiliado in reply to Olinser. | April 19, 2021 at 7:20 pm

    You are giving her too much credit. She is not that smart.

    She is a dolt that can’t stop running her mouth.

      Paul in reply to Exiliado. | April 19, 2021 at 7:57 pm

      People like her could really benefit from being punched in the mouth really hard a few times.

        The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Paul. | April 19, 2021 at 8:25 pm

        A poor defenseless woman?!?

        You BEAST!!!

        4fun in reply to Paul. | April 19, 2021 at 9:22 pm

        There is a meme along those lines.

        “If women want to be treated equal then you can’t call it domestic abuse.
        It’s just you lost the fight.”
        With a picture of Bill Burr as the author of the quote which may or may not have been said by him. Didn’t check it out.

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Exiliado. | April 19, 2021 at 8:02 pm

      That “dolt” parlayed a life of “public service” into multi millions of dollars. Trouble-maker, yes. Race baiter, yes. But a dolt? FAR from it.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to The Friendly Grizzly. | April 19, 2021 at 8:26 pm

        There is a difference between intelligence and the ability to scheme. People can be very dull, while conniving effectively.

        She has a safe seat in Congress and getting rich from it is a simple matter of taking advantage of any insider trading tips she hears in the cloakroom, along with all the other forms of graft and corruption available to “public servants”. No special smarts necessary, only a willingness to grab whatever she can.

      No one gives her any credit – but she’s a puppet no less than any other useful under-intelligent hack of her ilk in elected office.

      GWB in reply to Exiliado. | April 19, 2021 at 9:59 pm

      She’s also very evil. Don’t discount malice because of stupidity.

Will it matter if he is murdered in prison?

    REDACTED in reply to Voyager. | April 19, 2021 at 7:03 pm

    Alex, I’ll take “what the left does’t care about”

    for a thousand

    CorkyAgain in reply to Voyager. | April 19, 2021 at 9:46 pm

    No doubt they’d use that to advocate for the abolition of prisons.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Voyager. | April 20, 2021 at 6:11 am

    I still think that if he is imprisoned, he’ll be placed in general population. This will be done at the express direction of a judge or the governor, or through some “oversight”.

    “Oops…!” says the quota-hire with the nasty grin.

“‘I wish that elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and the judicial branch and our function.
“I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful, and in a manner that is consistent with their commitment to the constitution, to respect the co-equal branch of government. Their failure to do so is abhorrent, but I don’t think it has prejudiced us with additional material that would prejudice this jury.”

What about the mainstream media? Granted the first amendment, they represent the worse in journalism and has not done a lot of people any favors.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to lurker9876. | April 19, 2021 at 8:03 pm

    Richard Nixon pronounced Charles Manson guilty.

    Milhouse in reply to lurker9876. | April 19, 2021 at 8:21 pm

    The first amendment gives the news industry exactly the same protection as it does politicians and everyone else, no more. And yes, they’re responsible for a lot of the destruction we’ve seen in the last few years.

      caseoftheblues in reply to Milhouse. | April 20, 2021 at 1:49 pm

      White Knighting for the left again I see. Hey let me guess you condemned Trump for speaking on Nov 6 and many other times and also defended his 1st ammendment rights being utterly shut down…of course you did…

    artichoke in reply to lurker9876. | April 19, 2021 at 10:11 pm

    That was pretty weak by the judge. He wishes … but he’s supposed to make his decisions from the bench based on reality, not on his wishes. If the reality was that the politicians couldn’t be trusted to keep out of this, and if he should have known that, then he should have sequestered the jury during the trial.

I appreciate this judge’s tough talk, but in the end it looks like all talk no action. There was grounds for a mistrial away before this and he let the prosecution get away with way too much. In the end he is saving his own hide and we all will pay the price for it.

Remember her opponent’s great ad from the last election. Too bad he didn’t win:


Do you know where I am?
Maxine Waters’ $6 Million Mansion.

Do you know where I’m NOT?
Her District.

Mansion Maxine Waters doesn’t live in her District — I do.

My name is Joe Collins and I’m running for Congress against Maxine Waters.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Ann in L.A.. | April 20, 2021 at 6:41 am

    The big thing in that election is Waters is seen as “down wid da struggle!” and makes all the anti-white noises her district wants to hear.

    If my information is good, her district’s demographics have changed quite a bit. The “Hispanics” have pretty much ethnically cleansed the area; they ran the blacks out to Palmdale and Lancaster.

Blue check Twitter spreading false information to cover for Mad Max..

    randian in reply to paralegal. | April 19, 2021 at 9:56 pm

    That Twitter thread is bizarre. Confrontation doesn’t mean violence, Maxine’s words didn’t target anybody, and Trump intended to incite violence regardless of his actual words.

As a trial lawyer, I’m always glad when my opponent attacks me personally on rebuttal. Means I’ve beat him on the facts. Once had a guy tell the jury that I was “The Master of the snide innuendo”. Thought about putting it on my business cards.

    amwick in reply to Strelnikov. | April 19, 2021 at 8:23 pm

    TY Streinikov,
    I really appreciate personal insight like that… That is why I think Mr. Branca, Esq… did such a great job following and summarizing this trial…

Pelosi says Maxine Waters did nothing wrong.

They need to hold her personally responsible for any damage done in the city of Minneapolis. She apparently wants to turn the city into the same hellhole district she “represents” in LA.

Judge Cahill talks tough but he doesn’t have the courage to do anything about it. The State should be sanctioned for the manner in which they conducted themselves; they never wanted a fair trial, only a full conviction, regardless of how they arrived at it.

Blackwell’s rebuttal was so ineffective, all he could do was disparage the Defense’s arguments – not by challenging them with evidence but by falsely labeling them, just like the childish name calling you’d find on a school playground. How much more evidence do you need to know the State’s case was weak and unproven? They admitted as much when they resorted to Blackwell’s unprofessional remarks.

To put a finer point on what Maxine did and did not do – She did not incite violence. Violence there was already a nightly event. She told the mob to become “more confrontational” in a scenario in which “confrontation” was already taking the form of arson and looting. She wasn’t advocating violence in a peaceful situation, she was actually demanding more violence from an already lawless crowd.

I guess the only way an elected official can get threatened with removal is to ask protestors to “stay peaceful.”

If I were Cahill, I would get the dodge out of the entire state.

Nelson, Chauvin, Potter family, Noor, et al. All of them. Fowler should go in hiding as well. Baker, too.

Let the town and state burn.

“I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful, and in a manner that is consistent with their commitment to the constitution”

That is where Cahill made his mistake.

Waters has no commitment to the constitution.

She is committed to destroying it. And the country.

The left has gone to great lengths to get as much of the country to anticipate violence and to be ready to endure it. There should have been talk to the effect that no violence will be tolerated. Instead we have “institutions” like the NBA saying that they may need to cancel games for a couple of days. The left wants everyone to understand that the mob is in charge.

    alohahola in reply to Rick. | April 19, 2021 at 8:07 pm

    The mob is not that big. But the amplification sure is.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Rick. | April 19, 2021 at 8:25 pm

    OTOH, too much violence for too long inures the public to it, making for the reaction of “meh”. Maxine is right. The violence needs to be amplified. The public is losing interest. It doesn’t help the Left’s cause that the MSM ignores or plays down the violence. Although the public can’t demand an end to violence it doesn’t know about, ignorance will also prevent the public from demanding we placate the rioters with political gifts. Silence and misinformation can be a double-edged sword.

“A congresswoman’s opinion really doesn’t matter a whole lot,” Cahill concluded, and denied the motion for a mistrial.

Yeah, and nobody should worry about ol’ Schicklgruber and his goofy book, either.

So, Waters is a friend of the defense; but, unfortunately, not of the Minnesota woke. I guess you can’t abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too. #SomeSelect [Black] LivesMatter

“I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”
Has the judge already decided what the verdict will be? May have given something ON appeal.

Just my thought, but if the judge said her comments “may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”, the judge is giving instructions to the defense to appeal if there’s a guilty verdict, and giving the appellate court the reason to declare a mistrial on a silver platter.

    Rand in reply to gospace. | April 19, 2021 at 10:50 pm

    I would not bet on it. The wimps on the appellate courts, and even the Supreme Court, are just as afraid of the mob as everybody else. After all, Biden wants to institute an endless court-packing commission to constantly remind the Supreme Court to stay in line.

LukeHandCool | April 19, 2021 at 9:27 pm

Black officer at work today:

“Maxine Waters has lost her mind !!”

What would be cool is for hundreds of people to troll Maxine with tweets of the form, ‘You mouthy b — we had Chauvin right where we wanted him, but you had to open your mouth and BLEW IT FOR US!’