Chauvin Trial BREAKING: “Mama” Was George Floyd’s Nickname For His Drug-Sharing Girlfriend
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Chauvin Trial BREAKING: “Mama” Was George Floyd’s Nickname For His Drug-Sharing Girlfriend

Chauvin Trial BREAKING: “Mama” Was George Floyd’s Nickname For His Drug-Sharing Girlfriend

Girlfriend also testifies Floyd had previously taken illicit drugs that caused great stomach pain, as during arrest, gave him great energy, and made her feel like she was going to die when she took it.

The first witness of today’s proceedings in the Chauvin trial was Courteney Ross, described as George Floyd’s fiancé. Both she had Floyd had lengthy struggles with opioid addiction, which she testified about at length. It was a pretty traditional narrative of drug addiction, for both of them.

On cross-examination by defense counsel Eric Nelson, however, there was a rather remarkable revelation.

Courteney Ross was listed in Floyd’s cell phone under the name “Mama.”

We’ve all seen the heart tugging video of Floyd restrained on the ground by officers after resisting lawful arrest, calling out repeatedly for “Mama.” I expect we’ve all presumed he was calling out for his mother, who I believe had passed away shortly before Floyd’s the May 25, 2020 date of Floyd’s arrest.

Now, however, one must wonder whether Floyd was calling out for his deceased mother, or whether he was calling out for his co-addict fiancé, Courteney Ross.

I feel obliged to note immediately that this revelation ought have little effect on the merits of this trial.

So why mention it at all?

Because the prosecution narrative in this case has for a year been driven almost entirely by emotional pleading, particularly the purported desperate cries of Floyd for his dead mother just moments before his death.

Certainly the prosecution already knew that Courteney Ross was also called “Momma” by Floyd, yet they never made that information available to the public, allowing the public to believe there was no question but that Floyd was calling out for his mother?

Why would they do that, if they were genuinely interested in transparency and justice?

Or are they, perhaps, is the prosecution perhaps not all that interested in transparency and justice?

On a separate note, a key issue in the case is whether Floyd was killed by Chauvin’s knee, or whether Floyd was killed by a self-ingested drug overdose. This applies not just to Floyd’s death, but all the physiological symptoms preceding Floyd’s death, such as his complaints of intense stomach and other body pain, as well as his foaming at the mouth.

Ross testified this morning about a March 2020 event in which she arrived at Floyd’s home after he had consumed some illicit pills of uncertain origin. He was in desperate physical condition, doubled over from stomach pain, to the point where she drove him to the emergency room. She also testified he had foam around his mouth.

This reaction to these pills match the physical symptoms of Floyd during his arrest, providing an alternative explanation for Floyd’s complaints of pain and foaming mouth during the arrest other than Chauvin’s knee being the cause.

OK, folks, that’s all I have time for while the court is in a brief morning break recess, but we’ll have more details in our end-of-day wrap-up commentary and analysis after the court adjourns for the day.

Anyone interested in a free podcast version of our daily legal commentary and analysis of the Chauvin trial, you can find that available at the Law of Self Defense News/Q&A Podcast, available on most every podcast platform, including Pandora, iHeart, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, simple RSS feed, and more.

Until then, stay safe!


Attorney Andrew F. Branca

Law of Self Defense LLC

Attorney Andrew F. Branca’s legal practice has specialized exclusively in use-of-force law for thirty years.  Andrew provides use-of-force legal consultancy services to attorneys across the country, as well as near-daily use-of-force law insight, expertise, and education to lawyers and non-lawyers alike in the form of blog posts, video, and podcasts, through the Law of Self Defense Membership service.  If this kind of content is of interest to you, try out our two-week Membership trial for a mere 99 cents, with a 200% no-question- asked money-back guarantee, here:  Law of Self Defense Membership Trial.

[Featured image is a screen capture from video of today’s court proceedings in MN v. Chauvin.]


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thad_the_man | April 1, 2021 at 12:32 pm

I have not heard all the testimony today, but part of what I did hear suggested that Floyd was clean for three months and started to use again about two weeks before.

Use it or lose it. his tolerance would have been reduced and not fully returned. Big point for the defense.

    kyrrat in reply to thad_the_man. | April 1, 2021 at 6:35 pm

    Drugs kill but relapses kill faster. So yes, it had an effect. The question the jury has to answer is was it the ‘only’ effect that led to his death. There is a lot to overcome when videos showing the restraint used by the officer are also shown. I wouldn’t want to be on the jury trying to decide what contributed the most to Floyd’s death.

      Sisu in reply to kyrrat. | April 1, 2021 at 7:14 pm

      George Floyd is responsible for his own death – deadly recreational drugs, appearing in public severely impaired, committing a crime of passing counterfeit money, hanging with a “non friend” friend, … exercising his un-enumerated right to be “stupid”. … Was Chauvin “dispassionate” and a less than ideal “police officer” – yes; but that does not rise to the level of a criminal intent, or recklessness, gross negligence. Thusfar the witnesses all strongly suggest Floyd’s untimely death was his fault and his fault alone. Floyd is the criminal; Floyd “rolled the dice”. Floyd lost at the “game of life”. Unfortunate. Sad. But nothing has been offered to suggest anyone shares responsibility for Floyd’s decisions that day.

      P.S. Minneapolis is clearly an undesirable place to live.


The extent of media manipulation and propaganda in this case is despicable but not surprising. Over the years, there has been a pattern established by the race-baiting scum and their compatriots in the main-stream media.

Millions of people were deeply touched by what was described as his calling out for his deceased mother. Now we know it was likely his drug addicted girlfriend. Add one more to the list of falsehoods and misdirections.

Floyd’s mother passed away in May 2018, which is two years before he supposedly called out for her. Also, I doubt this woman was his fiancée. Did he put a ring on it?

    Observer in reply to hrhdhd. | April 1, 2021 at 3:34 pm

    I wonder if Floyd even had a close relationship with his mother, given that he seemed to have been estranged from a lot of his other family members. Given that the girlfriend he called “mama” had helped him out previously with a drug overdose situation, it seems more likely that when he felt himself having difficulty breathing (which he knew was from the large quantity of drugs he’d just swallowed) he would have called out for her, rather than the mother who’d been dead for two years.

      Brave Sir Robbin in reply to Observer. | April 1, 2021 at 4:27 pm

      Interesting assertion. Unprovable certainly, but interesting nonetheless.

      I wonder if any in the jury made the same connection and supposition as you?

    henrybowman in reply to hrhdhd. | April 1, 2021 at 8:35 pm

    It was a phenyl ring.

The two changes of demeanor in the witness as she processed the questions were striking.

smalltownoklahoman | April 1, 2021 at 1:15 pm

Yet another example of why we need to question everything the main stream media tells us about high profile cases. It might be a small detail but given the narrative it is a rather important one, one that can change a lot of perception around this case. No doubt a lot less sympathy would have been ginned up for Floyd if that detail had been released earlier.

Off topic, but is it possible “Momma” was a dude at one time?

Wonder if the defense will ask to see her engagement ring?

American Human | April 1, 2021 at 2:49 pm

I’m assuming the prosecution has something lined up somewhere that will actually try and prove their case.

I read Mr. Branca’s Zimmerman trial posts and found it was the most enlightening of all that I read. The entire time during that trial (based on Mr. Branca’s postings) I kept thinking that the prosecution had some sort of damning evidence against Zimmerman but “star” witness after “star” witness kept making points for the defense. It seems to be the same way here.

Are they even going to introduce the coroner’s report? It doesn’t seem to prove their case either (from what i’ve read about it).

After all is said and done, if a reasonable juror though the state had not proved their case but still voted to convict because of hatred of police or fear or whatever, can that verdict be appealed as not being upheld by the evidence?

Perhaps Chauvin should have elected not to have a jury trial like those cops in Baltimore/Freddie Gray case?

    They went out of their way to bring up prone asphyxia today and police training that someone who is prone and cuffed should be placed on their side or otherwise repositioned as soon as possible. That was what happened to Eric Garner, but it was racist to claim that it was possible for someone to die that way while that case was on. If it weren’t for the drugs, that would probably be a reasonable cause of death and they’d maintain that Chauvin suffocated him by keeping him prone. No need to claim he had his knee on his neck. Of all the testimony I’ve seen the prone asphyxia issue seems the most threatening to Chauvin.

Char Char Binks | April 1, 2021 at 4:24 pm

floyd died as he lived — foaming at the mouth.

After reading Ann Coulter’s take on a bunch of top attorneys lining up to work for free for the prosecution and the overwhelming facts against Floyd, I cannot help but ponder the intent of the prosecution. The facts just do not support this case. It should not have even come to trial.

So why move forward? What is on trial is not Chauvin- it is the narrative. That is why they are going with the emotion and anger.

They NEED the narrative to be upheld, whether it happened or not. They don’t care about Floyd and they don’t care about justice. They NEED to lynch Chauvin or the narrative begins to crumble. It’s as if Chauvin’s prosecution keeps the narrative alive and if they don’t get that verdict, they are forced into a place that is literally hell on earth. Ann makes the Atticus Finch comparison and I think it is apt. Don’t be surprised if Chauvin stands up and has one arm.

    Johnny Weissmuller in reply to Andy. | April 1, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Minneapolis is all boarded up. Double-triple fencing around government buildings, several military cargo flights daily. The govt knows it is a weak case.

    henrybowman in reply to Andy. | April 1, 2021 at 8:40 pm

    “They don’t care about Floyd and they don’t care about justice. They NEED to lynch Chauvin or the narrative begins to crumble.”

    If the guy who drew Floyd with angel wings on his funeral decorations has any shame, he ought to be getting nervous right about now.

    fogflyer in reply to Andy. | April 1, 2021 at 8:48 pm

    Actually, they win the narrative war either way.

    If they convict Chauvin, it proves that cops are all a bunch of racists who callously murder innocent black men.

    If they acquit Chauvin, it proven that the whole system is rigged by a bunch of white supremacists who don’t care that cops callously murder innocent black men.

    Hey, that’s quite a catch, that catch 22!

Today’s Timcast says based on just today’s testimony, if the jury decides on facts and not emotion- Chauvin walks.

That was epic. Totally worth the price of admission. I’m going to make some popcorn and watch it all over again tonight.

The drug dealer pleading the 5th… and the prosecution NOT giving him immunity. I hope Nelson pounds that with a 9 pound hammer.

George_Kaplan | April 1, 2021 at 7:04 pm

Minor point – fiance is a male (groom to be), fiancee is a female (bride to be). Ross, being female, cannot have been Floyd’s fiance.

“is the prosecution perhaps not all that interested in transparency and justice?” ha, good one! Prosecutors are not, at least in the high-profile cases I’ve seen, interested in justice and transparency. They’re interested in getting convictions, pushing narratives, or grinding the defendant down in a game of punishment-by-process. The lefties hyping cases like this one, Trayvon Martin, etc. really don’t want convictions. Their cause (stoking racial enmity and fear) is advanced more by an aquittal than by a conviction, because they can point to an aquittal as evidence that white people are able to murder minorities with impunity. It furthers the revolutionary cause.

Incidentally- there’s a video on ASP’s youtube of medics giving narcan to a patient. Cops are on scene and attempt to ask the guy a question. Guy pulls out a gun and starts shooting. He kills the medic that just saved him.

Good on Nelson for asking.

Sadly astonished at how easily “the state” and their attorney general investigators (law enforcement) have turned on one of their own, for political reasons. Every day, new evidence comes out that paints a weaker picture for the prosecution- and they know it… what a terrible time/place to be a cop.

    Andy in reply to stl. | April 1, 2021 at 10:58 pm

    In reading the Medics testimony I found the undertones in their responses to be not keen on throwing a blue to the wolves. The guys who support them and vice versa are leaving in droves. People may end up dying because of response times where safety is a factor because there are no police to respond. So they have to make a choice of going into an unsafe situation or letting someone die. Now that the mobs are attacking medics/fire as well, don’t expect a lot of responses like Hansen. Can’t believe anyone wants to work with that woman. God I pity that crew.