Biden’s UN Ambassador: ‘Sin of Slavery Weaved White Supremacy Into Our Founding Documents and Principles’

President Joe Biden’s UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says America must acknowledge its own failures before it joins the UN Human Rights Council.

“I’ve seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles,” declared Thomas-Greenfield.

She also said:

“When we raise issues of equity and justice at the global scale we have to approach them with humility,” she said. “We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning and every day we strive to make ourselves more perfect.”—“My great grandmother, Mary Thomas, born in 1865, was the child of a slave, just three generations back from me,” she said. “I grew up in the segregated South, where I was bused to a segregated school.””On the weekends, the Klan burned crosses on lawns in our neighborhoods,” she continued, explaining that she shared these details “to acknowledge on the international stage that [she has] personally experienced one of America’s greatest imperfections.”

Our Founders were not perfect, but I do not see slavery anywhere in our founding documents.

You’ve read my blogs where I praised Thomas Jefferson’s careful crafting of our founding documents. He wrote “pursuit of happiness” instead of property. “Creator” instead of God.

How about, “All men are created equal.”

I have to find it, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that despite what the left says, Jefferson *literally* meant all men, including blacks. Unfortunately, he, along with the other founders, did not banish slavery because they were weak and had a feeling some would rebel. (Don’t forget Benjamin Franklin’s abolitionist history.)

But Jefferson knew it would come to an end. He probably did not expect it to end the way it did.

As I said, Jefferson and the rest of the founders were not perfect. But you do not find slavery in our founding documents. They had the wisdom to not mention it. It’s a shame they did not ban slavery.

Biden’s administration also forgets why President Donald Trump pulled out of the Human Rights Council. They’re hypocrites! Look at these members:

Disgusting. America has a shady past like everyone else because humans suck. But for the love of everything holy quit harping on it.

Tags: Biden Administration, United Nations