Biden’s UN Ambassador: ‘Sin of Slavery Weaved White Supremacy Into Our Founding Documents and Principles’
I cannot find slavery in our founding documents. Also, Trump left the HRC because it has members who literally violate human rights every single day!
President Joe Biden’s UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says America must acknowledge its own failures before it joins the UN Human Rights Council.
“I’ve seen for myself how the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles,” declared Thomas-Greenfield.
Biden’s UN ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, tells the National Action Network that if America's going to join the UN’s Human Rights Council, we must acknowledge our own failures: “White supremacy is weaved into our founding documents and principles”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 14, 2021
“When we raise issues of equity and justice at the global scale we have to approach them with humility,” she said. “We have to acknowledge that we are an imperfect union and have been since the beginning and every day we strive to make ourselves more perfect.”
“My great grandmother, Mary Thomas, born in 1865, was the child of a slave, just three generations back from me,” she said. “I grew up in the segregated South, where I was bused to a segregated school.”
“On the weekends, the Klan burned crosses on lawns in our neighborhoods,” she continued, explaining that she shared these details “to acknowledge on the international stage that [she has] personally experienced one of America’s greatest imperfections.”
Our Founders were not perfect, but I do not see slavery anywhere in our founding documents.
You’ve read my blogs where I praised Thomas Jefferson’s careful crafting of our founding documents. He wrote “pursuit of happiness” instead of property. “Creator” instead of God.
How about, “All men are created equal.”
I have to find it, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that despite what the left says, Jefferson *literally* meant all men, including blacks. Unfortunately, he, along with the other founders, did not banish slavery because they were weak and had a feeling some would rebel. (Don’t forget Benjamin Franklin’s abolitionist history.)
But Jefferson knew it would come to an end. He probably did not expect it to end the way it did.
As I said, Jefferson and the rest of the founders were not perfect. But you do not find slavery in our founding documents. They had the wisdom to not mention it. It’s a shame they did not ban slavery.
Biden’s administration also forgets why President Donald Trump pulled out of the Human Rights Council. They’re hypocrites! Look at these members:
- China
- Cuba
- Libya
- Pakistan
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Russia
Disgusting. America has a shady past like everyone else because humans suck. But for the love of everything holy quit harping on it.
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28 Rs voted to confirm this clown once again proving that the GOP is nothing more than controlled opposition.
Either a controlled operation, or, it is not the party we were led to believe it is. I vote for the latter. Bear in mind, the GOIP voted overwhelmingly for the document that led to Affirmative Action, quaotas, set-asides, and the Frankenstein Monster of Title IX.
They also overwhelmingly voted for what led to Federally-dictated gerrymandering of congressional districts, and thanks to courts twisting the provisions of this act, all of the federal interference with the electoral process we now have.
Affirmative action is not equal to affirmative discrimination, where the latter progressed (e.g. liberalized or diverged) with the evolution of diversity dogma (e.g. racism) under the Pro-Choice religion of the Progressive Church/Synagogue/Corporation/Chamber/Clinic etc.
Despite their protestations to the contrary, I think the Franz von Papen Republicans know the 2020 election was stolen by the Communists, and that elections from now on will be highly questionable at best. But rather than fight for the principles they allegedly believe they are frantically virtue signaling to the Communists in an effort to protect their golden parachutes and stay in the corporate world’s good graces.
Which illustrates why I no longer call myself a Republican.
Same. I changed my registration in December.
Our founding documents and principles led to us banning slavery, a practice that began in sub-Saharan Africa and existed in North America before any European set foot here.
Began there… and still exists there.
Actually, our constitution was written to avoid a totalitarian state, and the goal of their “re-writes” is to create a totalitarian state. I am pretty happy with it where it stands at the moment.
A repeal of several of the Terrible Teens is called for.
Enjoy it while you can. You won’t be pretty happy with what’s coming.
Where it stands, yes, less the Twilight Amendment that, among other things, socially/legally/religiously justifies Planned Parent/hood, diversity dogma (e.g. racism), sex chauvinism, political congruence (“=”), redistributive change, etc.
“Weaved”? Really?
I guess the Founders could have woven in slavery as practiced by Africans in Africa instead? And just what is being used to darn the tattered fabric of society caused by the Left? The Left is making the Old Jim Crow days look absolutely attractive if not proving the point of those old time racists …… segregation , gun control, restriction of voting rights…. all embraced now by the Left and its minority minions. MLK died for this???
You have expressed what i have been thinking for many years. I bought into all this kum-bah-ya stuff for decades. Four years of military service snapped me into reality, and life since then has firmed that up a great deal.
It is estimated that the richest man who ever lived was a black Islamic imperial slaver.
If you are a progressive the first rule of fight club applies to Islam’s history of slavery.
Our country is being run by illiterate morons who hate the very nation they are charged to support and defend. How do you suppose this will end?
The Weimar Republic progressing to a leftist utopia seems to be an inevitable convergence. Hopefully, we can skip the French revolution, the Great Leap, the Hutu/Tutsi cycle of redistributive and retributive change, the post-apartheid Progressive South African lynching events, and planned population schemes generally.
I’m sure her being a
coloredperson of color, and a person of indoor plumbing were the main qualifications to her appointment.Black. Check.
Female. Check.
Hyphenated. Check.
Woke. Check.
With that many check marks, we’re lucky she’s not Vice President.
I would like the hate America crowd to start naming better superior countries through selected dates in our history.
Starting with, let’s say, 1780. And then proceeding decade by decade right through to the present.
Plus, they must show their work. They must answer, in detail and in depth, how exactly the other nation(s) were superior to the US at that time in history. And they will be required to apply the same Marxist critical analysis to the countries they claim are superior.
My bet is the response will be crickets through all decades.
And to follow up, they will also be required to show how the world would be a better place if the US had never existed. At selected dates in history.
I’ve always found it very ironic to contrast their attitude towards our country in general (supposedly steeped in racism, fascism, and capitalist exploitation), with their attitudes towards immigration. If we are such an awful place, why do so many people all across the globe clamor to become U.S. citizens? Why don’t places like China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Somalia, Libya, et al, face the immigration challenges we do?
Seriously “weaved”.
As in taking weave of her senses. English grammar is so white supremacist, dontcha know?
Careful you’ll be called a racist and a white supremacist.
Oh come on ! Africans tribes practiced slavery 400 years before America was founded. It was Africans who sold their people to the slavers. Gimme a break.
Democrats have no moral standards. Lies are a way of life for them.
I received a Dem fundraiser email and the first line is:
“On Sunday afternoon, Daunte Wright was shot and killed by a police officer for hanging air fresheners in his vehicle.”
The Democrat Party is hopelessly corrupt.
The wicked solution comes to mind. Their diversity dogma (i.e. denial of individual dignity, individual conscience), too. Their religious philosophy (i.e. behavioral protocol) is the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic (“ethical”), and notably politically congruent (“=”) religion.
So we have a hate America first UN ambassador. Did the GOP fail to properly vet this nominee?
On the other hand, she will be there to embarrass the president on a daily and perhaps hourly basis.
Let the people see they are hated by their rulers and that their rulers are morons.
The GOP just approved an original Waco killer and active anti-gun activist to head the BATF.
Screw the GOP.
to be fair, the 3/5ths compromise was included in the Constitution, but it explicitly amended out when this old lady’s great grandmother was a small child. It is also, of course, falsely cited as a pro-slavery provision, when it was in fact the slave owners that wanted slaves counted as 100% in apportionment and the anti-slave faction did not want slaves counted at all for that purpose.
She grew up being bussed to a segregated school? She was born in 1952. Brown v. Board was handed down in 1954, effectively outlawing segregated schools. Now I realize that it took some time to fully implement the Brown decision, but bussing was supposed to be one of the remedies that did implement that decision – i.e. kids were to be bussed to INTEGRATED schools. And if the schools were still segregated, they were segregated in violation of Federal law (unless she was being bussed to schools before reaching the age of 2),
Someone as bright as she would obviously be in in high school very soon after birth.
She also claims that 1865-1952, a period of 87 years, was but 3 generations of her family. That isn’t impossible, but given the childbearing norms of 1952, let alone 1865, that seems rather unlikely to be true in the absence of corroboration.
She said her great-grandmother was a child of a slave. In other words, her great-great-grandmother was a slave and almost certainly a freed slave when she gave birth to the daughter in question. Otherwise, this subversive parasite would have claimed her great-grandmother was born a slave.
Fromm her comments – she conflates the word “equality” with “equity”. I implore everyone to be on guard against this conflation. Equality is about our government making sure we are all treated the same by that government – regardless of color, sex, or social status. Equity is about the government putting its collective thumb on the scale to try to achieve equal outcomes – regardless of merit or even effort – it is the essence of Marxism/Socialism motto “From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs”.
Our government has been unconstitutionally been trying to impose equity since the mid-’60s.
Just f’ing great. Let’s give more fodder to the pompous assholes of the U.N. Eventually they are going to show up on our shores for a peacekeeping mission…
The Constitution never discriminated by color or sex. More than half the population stood, when they could have taken a knee, to defeat slavery, and their Posterity stand against the progress of diversity (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism.
Color supremacist is a politically congruent (“=”) apology.
Baby Lives Matter
n.n: The Constitution never discriminated by color or sex.
The Constitution allowed for discrimination by color and sex.
Real American: to be fair, the 3/5ths compromise was included in the Constitution, but it explicitly amended out when this old lady’s great grandmother was a small child.
It was replaced after Reconstruction wherein blacks
100% in apportionment and the anti-slave faction did not want slaves counted at all for that purpose.
“The Constitution allowed for discrimination by color and sex.”
Nonetheless, it did not discriminate by race or sex.
And the allowance for this discrimination you note was rectified after long and bloody struggle. The US Constitution and its amendments are great achievements Americans should rightly be proud of.
It is true the country has not always lived up to its ideals. Do you?
Brave Sir Robbin: Nonetheless, it did not discriminate by race or sex.
As the founders were well-aware, the U.S. Constitution ratified the enslavement and disenfranchisement of blacks. It also counted slaves as 3/5 of free persons. Not sure how much more racist it could be.
Brave Sir Robbin: The US Constitution and its amendments are great achievements Americans should rightly be proud of.
Absolutely. Unfortunately, “equal protection of the laws” was denied for more than a century.
“It also counted slaves as 3/5 of free persons. Not sure how much more racist it could be.”
Zero is much more. That’s what the North wanted them counted at.
“As the founders were well-aware, the U.S. Constitution ratified the enslavement and disenfranchisement of blacks. It also counted slaves as 3/5 of free persons. Not sure how much more racist it could be.”
The Constitution did not “ratify” racism. It did put the issue of slavery off in order to form the union, an issue which festered and could not be resolved without horrific bloodshed. The document is not racist or pro-slavery, though such things were not expressly prohibited. There is a huge difference.
Racism in America, in my estimation, resulted from the incompatibility of American ideals regarding the equality of all men before God and the existing institution of slavery. A natural question would arise as to why can some men be enslaved, while others should be free as a natural state of their being, since the American ideal is that the natural state of all men is to be free?
If no distinction could be made, then all men lived under the perpetual threat of enslavement, and those who were poor and relatively unempowered, the vast majority of all men, would not support the vile institution under those conditions. The answer was to segregate men in “races,” and affirm the humanity of some races, and the inhumanity or lesser form of humanity onto others to (1) allay the concerns of those classified in the “superior” race that they shall not be likewise enslaved and thus allow the enslavement of others as it is no threat to them, and (2) justify a need for enslavement of the “inferior” races so they made be treated as domesticated beasts or even as an act of kindness since it was asserted such inferior not quite human animals could not well exist without the supposed and mythical benefits of slavery to deem it a moral good rather than the evil and corrupt practice that it was.
This entire hideous construct existed well prior to the development of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution – indeed, through the entirety of man’s prior recorded history, if you discount the first few books of the Bible as recorded history.
But it was precisely the US Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution that set the ideological necessities and precipitates necessary to destroy slavery in lands that became the United States of America. They are also the documents that have set the course for the expectation of the just and fair treatment of all people who universally possess inalienable rights which no man may justly oppress, and thus serve as the greatest beacon and guarantor of freedom yet devised by men for all men.
To suppose these are somehow racist documents is the height of willful blindness or appalling ignorance.
Which is your affliction?
Brave Sir Robbin: The document is not racist or pro-slavery, though such things were not expressly prohibited.
It’s almost as if people on this forum forgot about the Civil War, or think it was about tariffs, rather than slavery. Indeed, slavery was structural to the Constitution, and allowed slave chasers to cross state lines to pursue who they claimed were escaped slaves.
n.n: The Constitution never discriminated by color or sex.
The Constitution allowed for discrimination by color and sex, which was enforced under various state laws.
Real American: to be fair, the 3/5ths compromise was included in the Constitution, but it explicitly amended out when this old lady’s great grandmother was a small child.
It was replaced after Reconstruction in the South wherein blacks were “counted as 100% in apportionment,” but still couldn’t vote.
Perhaps in the penumbras and emanations (i.e. Twilight Amendment) a la selective-child (e.g. reproductive rites). The Constitution did not and does not allow for discrimination by color (diversity dogma) or sex (i.e. male and female). This is why slavery (e.g. redistributive change) philosophy and practice was defeated and [affirmative] discrimination (e.g. diversity dogma not limited to racism) is intolerable and illegal. This is why women always had the right to vote, but was regularized to reinforce the right in several jurisdictions.
The 3/5 compromise was intended to mitigate the progress of slavery and diversity in several jurisdictions. This did not affect all blacks, many of whom were not slaves and did not suffer affirmative discrimination under diversity policies. Unfortunately, today, we have recycled those policies under forward-thinking judgments and labels including African-American (i.e. 1/2 American) label and “people of white” (i.e. color bloc) regimes. One step forward, two steps backward.
n.n: The Constitution did not and does not allow for discrimination by color (diversity dogma) or sex (i.e. male and female).
The Supreme Court in Dred Scott v. Sandford found otherwise. In any case, the 3/5 compromise enshrined slavery in the Constitution.
n.n: This is why slavery (e.g. redistributive change) philosophy and practice was defeated and [affirmative] discrimination (e.g. diversity dogma not limited to racism) is intolerable and illegal.
Slavery was legal under the original U.S. Constitution. That’s the very point.
It was legal pretty much everywhere else in the world at the same time.
You don’t have a point.
henrybowman: You don’t have a point.
The claim was that slavery was not structural to the U.S. Constitution. It was.
I think this stupid woman forgot who she is supposed to be representing. She took Biden’s “China First” policy too seriously, and she thinks she is representing the Chinese Communist Party, and she is propagating their narrative.
Don’t the Dems realize that the US ambassador to the UN should stick up for the US and not attack it in the UN?
Linda Thomas-Greenfield is, predictably, way off base in her attitude and comments, but it should be pointed out, that, in addition to the 3/5 clause, the Constitution also prohibited the federal government from outlawing the importation of slaves for 20 years. The political pressures that led to those compromises, as well as to the compromise in which the House is weighted by population and the Senate is not, are things that those of us who went to school in the 1960s absorbed in education, whether it was explicitly labeled as civics or not, but of which students today are in many cases completely unaware.
Yes, the fledgling nation could not afford to fight wars on multiple fronts, let alone mitigate the insidious progress of slavery and diversity dogma (e.g. racism) in several jurisdictions. However, this did not last, and instead of taking a knee, Americans stood up and confronted these intolerable institutions and practices.
n.n: However, this did not last, and instead of taking a knee, Americans stood up and confronted these intolerable institutions and practices.
Taking the knee (abolitionist medallion, c. 1787)
During the march on Selma, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. took the knee in front of the courthouse.
n.n: Americans stood up and confronted these intolerable institutions and practices.
Many Americas didn’t confront slavery, but fought to preserve it.
It used to be that cream rose to the top. Nowadays, it’s dummies.
Cream has never been the only thing to the top. Shit has always floated, too.
what a self-centered, ignorant waste of oxygen–“original sin?”–bullschyt
what of the countless americans who have fought, suffered and died throughout our history and all over the world to defend freedom?–to defeat tyranny and fascism?–what of the debt of honor that the WORLD owes to them?–yet some worthless toadie like this woman is too stupid to realize that her very actions, her rabid spewing of racist vitriol is even possible because of their priceless sacrifice–and yet she has the temerity to dishonor them on the international stage
what an embarassment to our country and the incalculable sacrifice of our ancestors
texansamurai: her rabid spewing of racist vitriol is even possible because of their priceless sacrifice
Don’t you just hate those bellyachers.
The scary part is Biden doesn’t know about the origins of slavery. or the different between it and involuntary servitude. “Involuntary servitude or involuntary slavery is a legal and constitutional term for a person laboring against that person’s will to benefit another, under some form of coercion other than the worker’s financial needs, to which it may constitute slavery. While laboring to benefit another occurs also in the condition of slavery, involuntary servitude does not necessarily connote the complete lack of freedom experienced in chattel slavery; involuntary servitude may also refer to other forms of unfree labor. Involuntary servitude is not dependent upon compensation or its amount.” Trafficking in labor exports was an industry started by Black tribal leaders. …someone educate Biden!
Compare and contrast the activities necessary to qualify you as an “anti-racist ally of BLM” under the current woke ethos, and being subject to involuntary servitude. Discuss.
Completely predictable, when the only tool in your kit is a hammer, all your problems look like nails