West Virginia Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Ban Critical Race Theory in State’s Ed System

Republicans should be doing this all over the country and clearly articulating why they are doing it.

Campus Reform reports:

W.V. lawmakers counter Biden endorsement of Critical Race Theory with new legislationWest Virginia lawmakers introduced a bill to ban divisive academic frameworks from the state’s education ecosystem.House Bill 2595 — introduced by Delegates Riley Keaton, Josh Holstein, Trenton Barnhart, and Johnnie Wamsley — would ban “race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating in the workforce, and not to allow grant funds to be used for these purposes.” In addition, “state contractors will not be permitted to inculcate such views in their employees.”The legislation provides a comprehensive list of definitions for the term “divisive concepts.” Among other possibilities, a divisive concept could teach that “one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex,” “the United States is fundamentally racist or sexist,” “an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously,” and “an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex.”The bill would bar the State Board of Education from promoting “race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating in schools” and disallows schools from using a curriculum that promotes division.Likewise, the bill would prohibit “state funding for state agencies who promote race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating” upon passage.Delegate Holstein told Campus Reform in a phone interview that though academic progressivism and cancel culture “may not be the number-one issue in West Virginia right now,” the bill is intended to prevent “any of those instances happening in the future of our state.”

Tags: Biden Administration, College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, West Virginia