Virginia Tech Student’s Grade Gets Lowered After Arguing Whites Can Be Victims of Racism

There are some things you’re just not allowed to say on many college campuses.

The Tampa Free Press reports:

Virginia Tech Student’s Grade Lowered For Arguing Whites Can Be Victims of RacismChris Harrison, the former host of “The Bachelor,” recently tweeted that he has been meeting with a “race educator” to atone for his sin of urging people to be forgiving toward one of the show’s contestants who wore a Scarlett O’Hara-style dress to a college dance three years ago.That, liberals suggest, is the whole point of the radical “antiracism” campaign – to teach white people about their “privilege” with its cancel culture takedowns, demands for defunding police, advocacy for slavery reparations, and, as Harrison shows, high-profile groveling for imagined offenses.But the education in racial politics has taught one young woman at Virginia Tech that racism is a one-way street.According to the conservative group Campus Reform, the professor of Alyssa Jones’s “Nations and Nationalities” class told her that “White people cannot experience racism.”The Oxford English Dictionary once defined “racism” as the “belief in the superiority of a particular race.” Simple enough. Believe others are inferior to you because their race is different from your own, and you are guilty of racism.But that is not how we are supposed to see things in the ‘Great Awokening’.Jones had an assignment to write an essay about a group identified as hateful by the Southern Poverty Law Center.Jones, who is white, chose the New Black Panther Party. She opted for that because of its separatist beliefs and because the SPLC had said the group had “encouraged violence against Whites, Jews, and law enforcement officers.”It’s unclear what grade Jones received, but it was much lower than she expected, according to Campus Reform.When she confronted the graduate teaching assistant about the grade, the instructor replied in an email, “To begin, we discuss in lecture [sic] that racism is a systemic issue rooted power structures [sic] which have historically oppressed non-white peoples, as a result, white people cannot experience [sic] racism.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Virginia