Texas Gov. Abbott Drops Mask Mandate, Allows Businesses to Fully Open

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he ended the state’s mask mandate with an executive order and opened businesses to 100% capacity.

Leftists began their freakout even though private businesses can keep their mask requirements. I’m sure local governments will hold their own as well.

Abbott ended the mandate because hospitalizations have gone down due to COVID-19 vaccinations.

From The Austin American-Statesman:

Gov. Greg Abbott said it’s time to “open Texas 100%” and end the statewide mask order Tuesday, citing declining hospitalizations across the state as more people are vaccinated against the coronavirus.Abbott will issue a new executive order, which will take effect Wednesday and rescind most of his earlier orders, including restrictions on business occupancy and the statewide mask order.”Texas is in a far better position now than when I issued my last executive order back in October,” Abbott said, adding that businesses can still limit their capacity or implement additional safety measures if they choose to do so. “It is their business, and they get to choose to operate their business the way they want to. At this time, however, people and businesses don’t need the state telling them how to operate.

Abbott urged…wait for it…personal responsibility!

“Removing state mandates does not end personal responsibility,” said Abbott. “Personal vigilance to follow the safe standards is still needed to contain COVID. It’s just that now state mandates are no longer needed.”

The Houston Chronicle reported that “region hospitalizations ere at 9.35 percent.” Tuesday is also “the first day that none of the state’s 22 hospital regions were above 15 percent.”

“Statewide, nearly 3.5 million Texans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine,” wrote Jay Jordan at The Houston Chronicle.

Tags: Greg Abbott, Texas, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus