Survey: Feminists Who Criticize Transgender Ideology More Hated in Academia Than Conservatives

You may have seen examples of this in the news over the past few years. Some transgender people are hostile to women who hold to the idea of women based on biology. Did you ever think such a thing would be controversial?

The College Fix reports:

Feminists critical of transgender ideology even more hated in academia than conservatives: surveyOne in three conservative academics and graduate students has faced disciplinary action, or threatened with it, for conveying their personal political beliefs, according to a survey on political discrimination and “self-censorship” in higher education.The Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology research found a population at even higher risk: feminists who are critical of transgender ideology.Conservatives in academia in the U.S., Canada and Britain are “virtually guaranteed” to face discrimination, report author Eric Kaufmann, politics professor at the University of London, wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed on his findings.Kaufmann examined eight different surveys by graduate-level students and professors, which provided evidence for a lack of viewpoint diversity in higher education and existence of discrimination against conservatives and “gender-critical feminists.”He defined the latter group as women who “believe that biological sex is essentially what qualifies you for membership in the identity group of male and female.”Such academics “would defend the integrity of women-only spaces — such as women shelters — from those who are biologically male, someone like a trans woman,” Kaufmann told The College Fix in a phone interview. They are left-wing feminists, who are attached to feminism because they are “attached to biological womanhood.”On the bright side, most professors do not embrace cancel culture in its most radical form, he found. Many of them are not actively opposed to it, though, and younger cohorts are the most radical….research highlighted, however, a unique observation: that “discrimination against gender-critical feminists is even worse than discrimination against Trump supporters or Brexit voters,” he told The Fix.

Tags: College Insurrection, Feminism, Transgender