RA Mandatory Training Program at Western Carolina U. Says ‘Reverse Racism is a Myth’

The term ‘reverse racism’ is somewhat silly because racism is racism, but the point here is that these students are being told that racism against white people doesn’t exist and that’s simply not true.

The YAF blog reports:

Western Carolina U Mandatory RA Training: ‘Reverse Racism is a Myth’A mandatory resident assistant training program at Western Carolina University asserted that “reverse racism is a myth,” according to documents obtained exclusively by Young America’s Foundation.An anonymous tip through YAF’s Campus Bias Tip Line revealed a “cultural competency” training required for all students who are RA’s at WCU. Hosted by Alex Fields, the associate director of residence life, and Gabriel Foust, a graduate community coordinator, the training emphasizes leftist buzzwords such as understanding “microaggressions” and “privilege.”On page 16 of the PowerPoint, the leaders assert “To put it simply, reverse racism is a myth. There is little to no empirical evidence to support systemic discrimination against white people.”It goes on to label the idea of reverse racism as “an opposition to policies and movements that sought racial equity in the United States.”

Tags: College Insurrection, North Carolina