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Private School in NYC Advises Students to Avoid Using Phrases Like ‘Mom and Dad’

Private School in NYC Advises Students to Avoid Using Phrases Like ‘Mom and Dad’

“The school says that phrases such as “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen,” should be replaced with words like people, folks or friends.”

This is indoctrination in cultural Marxism. You are not imagining it.

NBC News reports:

Private school says phrases like ‘mom and dad’ should be avoided

A New York City private school has issued guidance suggesting that phrases like “mom and dad” and “boys and girls” should be avoided in a push to make the campus more inclusive.

Grace Church School said its 12-page “Grace Inclusive Language Guide” was designed to provide staff with language that fits the school’s mission.

“While we recognize hateful language that promotes racism, misogyny, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination are already addressed in our school handbooks, we also recognize that we can do more than ban hateful language; we can use language to create welcoming and inclusive spaces,” it reads.

“This guide addresses ways we can remove harmful assumptions from the way we interact with each other.”

The school says that phrases such as “boys and girls” or “ladies and gentlemen,” should be replaced with words like people, folks or friends. It says that students should be asked how they identify instead of assuming their gender based on appearance or clothing.

The document also states that “mom and dad” should be replaced with words like “grown-ups, folks, or family.”


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Ohio Historian | March 13, 2021 at 9:58 am

I suspect that “my male/female parental unit”‘ would therefore be frowned upon?

Political correctness is now demonstrating its absurdity. Hope it continues with this stuff. It can then go the way of Canasta parties.

“Shut-up … you can’t say that … talk the way the school wants you to talk … use the words the school wants you to use” … silly me … but that doesn’t sound like an attempt at inclusivity … no … them’s fightin’ words …

The Friendly Grizzly | March 13, 2021 at 11:18 am

I think the next thing schools should be doing is to make sure every child is forced to write left-handed. This will “include” the majority of children in the experiences left-handed people have every day in a world built for the right-handed. It will help all boys and girls understand the hardships blah blah blah.

George_Kaplan | March 13, 2021 at 5:39 pm

So how will the school react if someone points out they’re being offensive? They claim to be a church school, but their very conduct demonstrates this is not only untrue, but that they will not tolerate those who hold to such standards.

    It’s well past time to tell these people loudly to go FUCK themselves. Sorry, I can’t take this crap any longer.

    DSHornet in reply to George_Kaplan. | March 20, 2021 at 10:38 am

    Look them up. They are no longer formally associated with the Grace (Episcopal) Church, even though they kept the name. The Episcopalians went off the rails long ago, to the point that the Anglicans in Africa consider the US a mission field.

Refrain from using words. Just grunt and point.

Yeah, I smelled this day coming the day I learned that Heather Had Two Mommies.

Why don’t we just use comrades? It worked fine last time!